Oct 31, 2010
Twas the Night Before Elections
Oct 30, 2010
The Hurt Campaign Calls On Congressman Perriello To Come Clean Once And For All About Sending Anonymous Mail Pieces Promoting The Third Party Candidate
It is now becoming increasingly clear that in the most cynical attempt to win an election, Congressman Perriello is willing to deceive voters by promoting the third party candidate through anonymous mail pieces.
This is a pitiful attempt by an increasingly desperate candidate who knows he can’t win on his own failed record to trick the people of the 5th District by using the third party candidate as his pawn. Central and Southside Virginians deserve better than a Congressman who will say or do anything just to get elected and who proactively initiates, partakes in, and approves of this kind of dishonest, classless, and devious style of campaigning.
The Hurt campaign is calling on Congressman Perriello to immediately admit to and come clean about his role in sending these anonymous mail pieces. These kinds of political mail pieces without a disclaimer are in direct violation of FEC law.
The Facts:
· Congressman Perriello uses a union shop to print his franked mail. Note the union bug in the corner of page two on the attached piece. It is identified as shop No. 14. The websites attached demonstrate that Union Shop No. 14 is MV Print: 3229 Hubbard Road Landover, Maryland 20785.· A number of anonymous mailers have been showing up in the 5th District. While they bear no disclaimer, they do show bulk permit number 2856 from the Merrifield, VA Post Office. It has been confirmed that MV Print is bulk permit number 2856.
· Why is a mail shop that does Congressman Perriello's official mail pieces for his Congressional office, paid for at taxpayer expense, doing anonymous mail that would benefit Congressman Perriello in the General Election? It seems to be a rather strong coincidence.
Who is Jeff Clark in Bed With?
It is times like these we hear old expressions like "it is going to get worse before it gets better" or "it is always darkest before the dawn." Well it is proving true the "politics makes strange bed fellows" in Virginia's 5th district. It has become evident Mr. Clark is in bed with the democrats and Tom Perriello.
The 5th district of Virginia had been a conservative area for many years, but in 2008, big money was brought in an Tom Perriello was able to unseat Virgil Goode. Completely blinded by this change of events that conservative base has been working double time the last two years to right out tilting ship from the left back to the right again.
Politics can be a dirty place to play and at times it will keep Christians from being involved. At times this mentality will keep them from being informed. They will turn a blind eye. We are now hearing on the radio ads from a women in Campbell County that she is a christian and voting for her "wonderful" christian candidate Tom Perriello for Congress. The very guy that voted for the healthcare bill which includes federal funding for abortions. Well I wonder does she realize who he and his democrat friends are funding. (Of course I could expand on this subject immensely but will refrain!)
If you live in the 5th district you may have received some mailers from Jeff Clark in recent weeks. If yours didn't end up immediately in the trash can, please take a moment to review each mailer. Mr. Clark talks about wanting things like the Fair-Tax and to cut spending. But then you glance to the bottom corner of the page and you will see his flyers are being sent out by the National Democratic Committee.
Does this mean he would be caucusing with the Dems.?
Oh I am sure it does? You don't see them sending out literature with Robert Hurt's name on it for support. When will we wake up and realize the dirty underhanded things the democrats are doing in the 5th and other parts of Virginia. Come on people the time to decide is now. We are only 3 days away from one of the most important elections we have faced in our history.
Please vote on Tuesday, November 2nd and cast your vote in the 5th district for Robert Hurt!
The 5th district of Virginia had been a conservative area for many years, but in 2008, big money was brought in an Tom Perriello was able to unseat Virgil Goode. Completely blinded by this change of events that conservative base has been working double time the last two years to right out tilting ship from the left back to the right again.
Politics can be a dirty place to play and at times it will keep Christians from being involved. At times this mentality will keep them from being informed. They will turn a blind eye. We are now hearing on the radio ads from a women in Campbell County that she is a christian and voting for her "wonderful" christian candidate Tom Perriello for Congress. The very guy that voted for the healthcare bill which includes federal funding for abortions. Well I wonder does she realize who he and his democrat friends are funding. (Of course I could expand on this subject immensely but will refrain!)
If you live in the 5th district you may have received some mailers from Jeff Clark in recent weeks. If yours didn't end up immediately in the trash can, please take a moment to review each mailer. Mr. Clark talks about wanting things like the Fair-Tax and to cut spending. But then you glance to the bottom corner of the page and you will see his flyers are being sent out by the National Democratic Committee.
Does this mean he would be caucusing with the Dems.?
Oh I am sure it does? You don't see them sending out literature with Robert Hurt's name on it for support. When will we wake up and realize the dirty underhanded things the democrats are doing in the 5th and other parts of Virginia. Come on people the time to decide is now. We are only 3 days away from one of the most important elections we have faced in our history.
Please vote on Tuesday, November 2nd and cast your vote in the 5th district for Robert Hurt!
Oct 27, 2010
live bloggind from the debate
Ok, tommy's still full of garbage. We're going to keep going from here...
Mini Lesson on Virginia's Congressional Districts

OK for those of you who aren't completely comfortable with your knowledge of this year's, Virginia congressional races...
First, congressmen and women, aka Representatives as they are the members of the U.S. House of Representatives, are elected and re-elected every two years. This year, Virginia has five, incumbent (meaning they're already in this office), Republican congressmen. Virginia has 11 congressional districts, so that means we have six others in play to win the seats away from the Democrats.
The seats are currently held by:
1st District - Rob Wittman (R)
2nd District - Glenn Nye (D) being challenged by Scott Rigell (R)
3rd District - Bobby Scott (D) being challenged by Chuck Smith (R)
4th District - Randy Forbes (R)
5th District - Tom Perriello (R) being challenged by Robert Hurt (R)
6th District - Bob Goodlatte (R)
7th District - Eric Cantor (R)
8th District - Jim Moran (D) being challenged by Patrick Murray (R)
9th District - Rick Boucher (D) being challended by Morgan Griffith (R)
10th District - Frank Wolf (R)
11th District - Gerry Connolly (D) being challenged by Keith Fimian (R)
So when you see their signs and their ads, remember that these are the guys who need your help. Encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to get out on Tuesday and vote for these Republicans. Our votes on Tuesday could make a world of difference for our futures.
God Bless America - and Virginia, too!
Terrifyingly True
Citizens Against Government Waste released this commercial last week. It's truly powerful and needs to open the eyes of far too many.
If we aren't careful, this is exactly where we're going to end up - as we're already headed there now.
If you value the message that this video speaks, get out there and get the right people elected. Show your extra support for Robert Hurt, Morgan Griffith, Chuck Smith, Scott Rigell, Patrick Murray, and Keith Fimian. We need to get them to Washington to join our other, conservative congressmen from Virginia. Be it what it is, our lives really do depend on it.
Scary, but true.
If we aren't careful, this is exactly where we're going to end up - as we're already headed there now.
If you value the message that this video speaks, get out there and get the right people elected. Show your extra support for Robert Hurt, Morgan Griffith, Chuck Smith, Scott Rigell, Patrick Murray, and Keith Fimian. We need to get them to Washington to join our other, conservative congressmen from Virginia. Be it what it is, our lives really do depend on it.
Scary, but true.
Oct 26, 2010
Obama to Stump for His "Independent" Little Mini-Me
OK after I finally stopped giggling, I decided that I had to share this. The word has been released that Obama is going to head to Charlottesville to stump for his little compatriot. Now, I wonder what little Tommy will have to say about all of his campaign ads that portray him as his own man. Right...
Tom Perriello, who can't seem to tell a straight truth out of any side of his mouth... or his backside... is now going to be hosting the great Obama. This smacks of even more desperation, not just for Perriello, but for the DNC as well. News has revealed that the DNC has pulled money and efforts out of various, Democratic campaigns around the country in the past week; but in it's last moments, after casting little Tommy to the side, the big kids on the block want to come down and play in Tommy's sandbox. How nice.
After releasing his most recent commercial over the weekend, Perriello is pulling out all of the stops in his desperation. Using the words of fellow Republicans from during their own campaigns against Robert Hurt is really stooping to a new, ever more ridiculous low.
And, what's with all of the ads saying "we've had enough Hurt." Tommy's even trying to confuse voters with who's actually the incumbent here. He knows that there's such a backlash against incumbents, especially the Democratic incumbents, that he's even trying to confuse the fact that Robert Hurt has not been the one serving at the federal level. This was Tommy at the federal level, voting for Cap & Trade, voting for the stimulus, voting for Obamacare. This is a matter of the fact that Tommy's running scared and trying to throw all of his garbage out of his bags as he runs.
Seriously, "Mr." Perriello, is this again how little you think of your own constituents? It hasn't been enough to portray them as hicks. It hasn't been enough to distort every truth surrounding your votes and your motives for casting them (remember the handshake and the pat on the back right before you sold out your own stance on abortion?). Now, you want to attempt to confuse your voting constituents with whether or not you're even the incumbent?
Well in advance, I just want to say thank you for bringing the Big O to the 5th district and giving your constituents the real truth about where you really do stand in the shadow of the big boys. Those are going to be fantastic photo ops!
Tom Perriello, who can't seem to tell a straight truth out of any side of his mouth... or his backside... is now going to be hosting the great Obama. This smacks of even more desperation, not just for Perriello, but for the DNC as well. News has revealed that the DNC has pulled money and efforts out of various, Democratic campaigns around the country in the past week; but in it's last moments, after casting little Tommy to the side, the big kids on the block want to come down and play in Tommy's sandbox. How nice.
After releasing his most recent commercial over the weekend, Perriello is pulling out all of the stops in his desperation. Using the words of fellow Republicans from during their own campaigns against Robert Hurt is really stooping to a new, ever more ridiculous low.
And, what's with all of the ads saying "we've had enough Hurt." Tommy's even trying to confuse voters with who's actually the incumbent here. He knows that there's such a backlash against incumbents, especially the Democratic incumbents, that he's even trying to confuse the fact that Robert Hurt has not been the one serving at the federal level. This was Tommy at the federal level, voting for Cap & Trade, voting for the stimulus, voting for Obamacare. This is a matter of the fact that Tommy's running scared and trying to throw all of his garbage out of his bags as he runs.
Seriously, "Mr." Perriello, is this again how little you think of your own constituents? It hasn't been enough to portray them as hicks. It hasn't been enough to distort every truth surrounding your votes and your motives for casting them (remember the handshake and the pat on the back right before you sold out your own stance on abortion?). Now, you want to attempt to confuse your voting constituents with whether or not you're even the incumbent?
Well in advance, I just want to say thank you for bringing the Big O to the 5th district and giving your constituents the real truth about where you really do stand in the shadow of the big boys. Those are going to be fantastic photo ops!
Oct 24, 2010
What do Virginia Republicans Think About Robert Hurt?
Whether we are a candidate seeking the nomination or if we have lost that nomination, we need to always be mindful of what we are saying. Tearing down a fellow republican can be used against you!
Feda Mortan, Mike McPadden, Jim McKelvey and Laurence Verga are any of you thinking twice now about what you said against the candidate? Many times we say something about someone that comes back and will bite us, (well where we don't want to get bit) and wish we had said things differently.
Are these sore losers in our party or is Mr. One Term grasping at anything to make our side look bad. I am hoping these fine republicans have not given Mr. One Term permission to use their likeness and they are able to get a stop put to him using their words against our candidate. If you did give your permission, shame on you!
I support our candidate! Robert Hurt will be the next Congressman from VA-05.
Why Do We Critize Our Own Party

Today the one I heard it about is Eric Cantor. One of our up and coming leaders. Mr. Cantor has do nothing I can see that would lead anyone to believe that he is nothing but a strong republican and working to get our country back on track.
i have recently received an email from Mr. Cantor asking how do we lead American forward? He is pointing out there are two directions we can take in the November midterm election. We can continue down the path of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda. The answer to our problems is not bigger government, higher taxes and freedom slipping through our hands.
Mr. Cantor is working hard with those that will stand with him in Congress to show the country there is a better way. We need to "reject Washington's chief role of running people's lives." Republicans are wanting to turn back spending to 2008 levels, he is encouraging his colleagues to not solicit or accept earmarks and wants to see them banned.
Eric Cantor says he does not want to see us reject our values, but wants us to embrace them. Hard work should be rewarded not punished. "We need to encourage entrepreneurship, not deter it by penalizing success."
We do not as republicans have an easy road for the next several years getting our country back on track, but one thing I know we need to do is find more like Eric Cantor. He is what I am looking for in leadership for my state and my country.
Perriello All Out Efforts
MoveOn.org had a blitz this weekend asking for people to step forward and host a "Save out Heroes" house parties. They wanted to recruit volunteers to help get out the vote for their heroes. They were setting goals of 500 parties and 150,000 phone calls nationwide. They have listed people like Senator Feingold, Senator Boxer and Representative Perriello, "who stood tall against Big Insurance during the health care debate."
MoveOn is now calling Mr. One Term a "hero." Is a "hero" someone who will continue to vote with the leaders in Washington to increase spending? Is a "hero" someone that wants to allow the government involvement in your healthcare? Is a "hero" someone that helps government grow beyond that of the manufacturing industry? At this writing the government has 400,000 jobs more than manufacturing. Is this out of proportion?
Now we are learning Mr. One Term is starting a "24 hours of Perriello." Below is the tentative schedule. Please feel free to pass along and visit him at any of the stops that may be close to you. We want to show support for Robert Hurt at every opportunity!
12:00 am FERRUM
Tom will host a midnight study session with Ferrum college students.
Location: Welcome Center
Ferrum College
215 Ferrum Mountain Road
Tom will stop by Dudley's Truck Stop Restaurant to say hello to late
night workers and truckers.
Location: Dudley's Truck Stop Restaurant
18151 Virgil H Goode Highway
Rocky Mount
Tom will bring coffee to hospital workers on overnight shift.
Location: Martinsville Memorial Hospital
320 Hospital Drive
Tom will visit the Henry County Sheriff's Office.
Location: Henry County Sherriff's Office
3250 Kings Mountain Rd
4:15 am CHATHAM
Tom will pitch in to help a dairy farmer at Mountain View Farms.
Location: Mountain View Farms
3580 Oxford Road
6:00 am DANVILLE
Tom will visit early morning workers and diners.
Location: Biscuitville
2101 Riverside Drive
6:20 am DANVILLE
Tom will visit early morning workers and diners, including some local
steelworkers from the Goodyear plant.
Location: Hardee's
3135 Riverside Rd
6:50 am DANVILLE
Tom will visit early morning workers and diners.
Location: Hardee's
1192 Piney Forest Road
7:05 am DANVILLE
Tom will visit early morning workers and diners.
Location: Biscuitville
1041 Piney Forest Road
Tom will visit the community action agency in South Boston.
Location: Tri-County Community Action Agency
1176 Huell Matthews Hwy
South Boston
Tom will get a haircut, sprucing him up for the last week!
Location: Elite Barber Shop
406 Factory Street
South Boston
10:30 am GRETNA
Tom visits a local small business.
Location: Northern Lites
320 S. Main Street
11:15 am ALTAVISTA
Tom will visit the YMCA.
Location: Altavista Area YMCA
718 7th Street
Tom will work a lunch shift.
Location: Baine's Books & Coffee
205 Main Street
Tom will meet with the Longwood Student Veterans group
Location: Longwood University
Ruffner Hall, Room 103
201 High Street
Tom will stop in and say hi to small business owners.
Location: Downtown Scottsville
4:15 pm IVY
Tom will load produce at the warehouse of the non-profit Local Food Hub.
Location: Local Food Hub
566 Dettor Road
Ivy Business Park, off Morgantowne Road
Tom visits with University of Virginia students at a pre-debate
Location: Nau Hall
Intersection of Jefferson Park Avenue and Brandon Avenue (behind Cabell
University of Virginia
Tom debates Jeff Clark at UVA.
Location: Nau Hall
Intersection of Jefferson Park Avenue and Brandon Avenue (behind Cabell
University of Virginia
Tom and UVA students celebrate "24 Hours of Tom."
Location: TBA (schedule will be updated and resent)
Tom and football fans watch Monday Night Football (Giants v. Cowboys -
game starts at 8:30)
Location: Wild Wings Caf?
Historic Amtrak Station
820 West Main Street
Tom heads home to rest his weary but newly shorn head.
Location: passenger's seat of car
It appears the Democrats are working overtime trying to catch up. Mr. One Term has his sleeves rolled up and is in desperate mode.
We need to work just as hard to beat him as he is working at this moment! Never take anything for granted! It isn't a win until it is officially called after the votes are counted on November 2. Yes, Virginia, November is Coming!
MoveOn is now calling Mr. One Term a "hero." Is a "hero" someone who will continue to vote with the leaders in Washington to increase spending? Is a "hero" someone that wants to allow the government involvement in your healthcare? Is a "hero" someone that helps government grow beyond that of the manufacturing industry? At this writing the government has 400,000 jobs more than manufacturing. Is this out of proportion?
Now we are learning Mr. One Term is starting a "24 hours of Perriello." Below is the tentative schedule. Please feel free to pass along and visit him at any of the stops that may be close to you. We want to show support for Robert Hurt at every opportunity!
12:00 am FERRUM
Tom will host a midnight study session with Ferrum college students.
Location: Welcome Center
Ferrum College
215 Ferrum Mountain Road
Tom will stop by Dudley's Truck Stop Restaurant to say hello to late
night workers and truckers.
Location: Dudley's Truck Stop Restaurant
18151 Virgil H Goode Highway
Rocky Mount
Tom will bring coffee to hospital workers on overnight shift.
Location: Martinsville Memorial Hospital
320 Hospital Drive
Tom will visit the Henry County Sheriff's Office.
Location: Henry County Sherriff's Office
3250 Kings Mountain Rd
4:15 am CHATHAM
Tom will pitch in to help a dairy farmer at Mountain View Farms.
Location: Mountain View Farms
3580 Oxford Road
6:00 am DANVILLE
Tom will visit early morning workers and diners.
Location: Biscuitville
2101 Riverside Drive
6:20 am DANVILLE
Tom will visit early morning workers and diners, including some local
steelworkers from the Goodyear plant.
Location: Hardee's
3135 Riverside Rd
6:50 am DANVILLE
Tom will visit early morning workers and diners.
Location: Hardee's
1192 Piney Forest Road
7:05 am DANVILLE
Tom will visit early morning workers and diners.
Location: Biscuitville
1041 Piney Forest Road
Tom will visit the community action agency in South Boston.
Location: Tri-County Community Action Agency
1176 Huell Matthews Hwy
South Boston
Tom will get a haircut, sprucing him up for the last week!
Location: Elite Barber Shop
406 Factory Street
South Boston
10:30 am GRETNA
Tom visits a local small business.
Location: Northern Lites
320 S. Main Street
11:15 am ALTAVISTA
Tom will visit the YMCA.
Location: Altavista Area YMCA
718 7th Street
Tom will work a lunch shift.
Location: Baine's Books & Coffee
205 Main Street
Tom will meet with the Longwood Student Veterans group
Location: Longwood University
Ruffner Hall, Room 103
201 High Street
Tom will stop in and say hi to small business owners.
Location: Downtown Scottsville
4:15 pm IVY
Tom will load produce at the warehouse of the non-profit Local Food Hub.
Location: Local Food Hub
566 Dettor Road
Ivy Business Park, off Morgantowne Road
Tom visits with University of Virginia students at a pre-debate
Location: Nau Hall
Intersection of Jefferson Park Avenue and Brandon Avenue (behind Cabell
University of Virginia
Tom debates Jeff Clark at UVA.
Location: Nau Hall
Intersection of Jefferson Park Avenue and Brandon Avenue (behind Cabell
University of Virginia
Tom and UVA students celebrate "24 Hours of Tom."
Location: TBA (schedule will be updated and resent)
Tom and football fans watch Monday Night Football (Giants v. Cowboys -
game starts at 8:30)
Location: Wild Wings Caf?
Historic Amtrak Station
820 West Main Street
Tom heads home to rest his weary but newly shorn head.
Location: passenger's seat of car
It appears the Democrats are working overtime trying to catch up. Mr. One Term has his sleeves rolled up and is in desperate mode.
We need to work just as hard to beat him as he is working at this moment! Never take anything for granted! It isn't a win until it is officially called after the votes are counted on November 2. Yes, Virginia, November is Coming!
Oct 18, 2010
Congrats to Tom Perriello - Sort of!
Congratulations to Tom Perriello on becoming the newest graduate of the Creigh Deeds School of Driving!
Remember during the gubernatorial campaigns last year, that commercial of Creigh Deeds driving down the interstate - while filming a campaign commercial? Talk about your distracted drivers!
Well, it so happens that, if Creigh had hit someone or something while driving, it certainly wouldn't have been his first time. In fact, Creigh had had three incidents in the months leading up to that commecial - and his subsequent loss on Election Day. In Creigh's brilliant year, he managed to (1.) rear-end a car in Orange County, in the middle of nowhere on a straight stretch in front of a WalMart [nice], (2.) get a speeding ticket after leaving a campaign event in Charlottesville [classic], and [my favorite of all faves] (3.) he managed to hit a bear. That's right! A bear! Talents abound!
So now, Creigh has company on the list of campaign, driving success. Tommy Boy managed to make an illegal, lane change in Nottoway County on Friday night that resulted in running another vehicle off of the road, injuring one person in that vehicle. I guess that Tommy found out that Nottaway County is not a way {wink*} for him to go.
Congratulations goes to Tom Perriello, for becoming the newest graduate of the Creigh Deeds School of Driving! May he have as much success on campaign day!!
Remember during the gubernatorial campaigns last year, that commercial of Creigh Deeds driving down the interstate - while filming a campaign commercial? Talk about your distracted drivers!
Well, it so happens that, if Creigh had hit someone or something while driving, it certainly wouldn't have been his first time. In fact, Creigh had had three incidents in the months leading up to that commecial - and his subsequent loss on Election Day. In Creigh's brilliant year, he managed to (1.) rear-end a car in Orange County, in the middle of nowhere on a straight stretch in front of a WalMart [nice], (2.) get a speeding ticket after leaving a campaign event in Charlottesville [classic], and [my favorite of all faves] (3.) he managed to hit a bear. That's right! A bear! Talents abound!
So now, Creigh has company on the list of campaign, driving success. Tommy Boy managed to make an illegal, lane change in Nottoway County on Friday night that resulted in running another vehicle off of the road, injuring one person in that vehicle. I guess that Tommy found out that Nottaway County is not a way {wink*} for him to go.
Congratulations goes to Tom Perriello, for becoming the newest graduate of the Creigh Deeds School of Driving! May he have as much success on campaign day!!
Lessons of Not Pointing the Guns Outward

What is it about the 5th district that seems to typify the conflicts amongst conservatives in our country? Is it really that the state of the country is such a mess that it brings out the finger pointing, or is a lot of it simply that there are those who enjoy power and the thrill of the strife as they create it? I know there are conservatives all over the district who could weigh in on that question.
I'll try to avoid any finger pointing here, as I don't usually think that it's required to get a point across. Finger-pointing by name becomes nothing more than mudslinging - unless directly provoked, and there has been more than enough of that in the 5th.
I've seen this district turn over on itself more times than not. I've travelled around the state, only to have others laugh at me when they hear where I'm from. Very often, I get the reaction of, "oh, you're from the crazy district." Is that really how we'd like to have the rest of the state, and to some extent the country, see how politics happens in Virginia's 5th? These days, it reminds me more of the old days of Southern politics in Louisiana with the Long family dishing out their strong armed, using the Bible for their own purposes and vices kind of politics. It's now even being slanted as being Chicago style politics. Seriously, is this really the way that you want people to see the 5th district?
In raising children, we always try to teach them to be mindful of the Golden Rule. For those of you who quote your Bible, but don't remember how to use the Golden Rule - for those of you who think that God has given you some inroad to Heaven, but can't seem to bring yourselves to behave as Christians toward your own neighbors - for those of you who believe that somehow God gave you the right to cast stones at others, while Jesus himself stood in opposition, here's today's scripture lesson for you:
Matthew, 7:1-5 "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why to you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye"
7:7-12 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets"
And to some translation for Virginia's 5th district: Payback for hypocrites goes both ways.
So while there are those out there who now feel as though your neighbors are turning against you, ask yourselves why. Ask yourselves if you've done something to provoke the very Golden Rule that you should have been living by in the first place. Ask yourselves, really, why is it that others are now turning against me, and take that look inside of yourselves.
There will always be another with a stone to cast. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." And remember, birds come home to roost. What will yours be bringing back to you?
That, my friends, concludes today's lesson.
PS This isn't secluded to only the 5th. Remember how to treat your neighbors. They can only turn the other cheek for so long.
Oct 16, 2010
Are 5th District Voters Really Just a Bunch of Hicks?
That's the question that I'm left with after listening to Perriello's most recent, radio ads. The voices in those commercials sound like someone just jumped out of an old episode of "Hee Haw." Is that really what Tommy Boy thinks of his constituents?
As to those ads, I have to add my rebuttal, because I was even asked by a fellow, Republican woman yesterday evening as to what's really true. Well as to some of those truths vs. mistruths, I've worked hard to tell people that they aren't actually lies - that I can't call Perriello a straight-out liar, but they ARE complete mistruths. He can point voters to look up Robert Hurt's voting record to see what he actually did vote, just as in the case of the commercial about who voted which way on the extension of unemployment benefits. But, what he doesn't give you is the real story behind each of those votes. In reality, these are two, completely different cases of votes.
Tommy's vote was at the federal level, and we all know how they love to vote to spend money! They can continually vote to add more "benefits" for the American people, but they never plan for how we're supposed to pay for them.
But, Robert's vote in the state of Virginia was a somber, but necessary vote to keep the interests of Virginians going. Unlike the national budget, the State of Virginia requires a balanced budget each year; and if Virginia had accepted the portion of the stimulus funds that would have extended unemployment benefits in Virginia, it would have been the people of Virginia who would have ended up bearing that burden. It wouldn't have been the federal budget that would have been impacted (as they'd already blown that away in the first place with the stimulus bill), but it would have ended up coming down to Virginians having to deal with the hit to our own, state budget once those stimulus funds ran out. Robert, along with his Republican colleagues in the Virginia legislature, had to make the tough, but prudent decision to vote against receiving those funds from the federal government. We can't keep paying for the federal government's tabs. We have to look out for our own state first, and I thank the Virginia legislators, including Robert Hurt, for opting not to take Obama's bribe money.
So when Tommy keeps telling all of the hicks, as he seems to think we are in the 5th district, that he's been looking out for us, ask him how he'd planned on paying for that looking out for us. What Tommy, Nancy, Harry, and Barry have all tried to do for us is give us that nice, shiny, new car, only to tell us afterward that we had to pay for it ourselves and at insurmountable interest rates for the rest of our lives, along with all of our generations to come.
So yea, Tommy and crew, thanks for those grand votes that you keep wanting to make for us; but please, I'd rather be able to buy groceries tomorrow, rather than pay for the salaries of union bosses and Wall Street moguls. And, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop trying to dumb us down. Take that back to New York and see how that goes over there.
Thanks, Robert, Morgan, and all of our other Virginia legislators who were prudent enough to know when to say No!
As to those ads, I have to add my rebuttal, because I was even asked by a fellow, Republican woman yesterday evening as to what's really true. Well as to some of those truths vs. mistruths, I've worked hard to tell people that they aren't actually lies - that I can't call Perriello a straight-out liar, but they ARE complete mistruths. He can point voters to look up Robert Hurt's voting record to see what he actually did vote, just as in the case of the commercial about who voted which way on the extension of unemployment benefits. But, what he doesn't give you is the real story behind each of those votes. In reality, these are two, completely different cases of votes.
Tommy's vote was at the federal level, and we all know how they love to vote to spend money! They can continually vote to add more "benefits" for the American people, but they never plan for how we're supposed to pay for them.
But, Robert's vote in the state of Virginia was a somber, but necessary vote to keep the interests of Virginians going. Unlike the national budget, the State of Virginia requires a balanced budget each year; and if Virginia had accepted the portion of the stimulus funds that would have extended unemployment benefits in Virginia, it would have been the people of Virginia who would have ended up bearing that burden. It wouldn't have been the federal budget that would have been impacted (as they'd already blown that away in the first place with the stimulus bill), but it would have ended up coming down to Virginians having to deal with the hit to our own, state budget once those stimulus funds ran out. Robert, along with his Republican colleagues in the Virginia legislature, had to make the tough, but prudent decision to vote against receiving those funds from the federal government. We can't keep paying for the federal government's tabs. We have to look out for our own state first, and I thank the Virginia legislators, including Robert Hurt, for opting not to take Obama's bribe money.
So when Tommy keeps telling all of the hicks, as he seems to think we are in the 5th district, that he's been looking out for us, ask him how he'd planned on paying for that looking out for us. What Tommy, Nancy, Harry, and Barry have all tried to do for us is give us that nice, shiny, new car, only to tell us afterward that we had to pay for it ourselves and at insurmountable interest rates for the rest of our lives, along with all of our generations to come.
So yea, Tommy and crew, thanks for those grand votes that you keep wanting to make for us; but please, I'd rather be able to buy groceries tomorrow, rather than pay for the salaries of union bosses and Wall Street moguls. And, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop trying to dumb us down. Take that back to New York and see how that goes over there.
Thanks, Robert, Morgan, and all of our other Virginia legislators who were prudent enough to know when to say No!
Oct 15, 2010
Clark Makes Demands in Order to Drop Out?
Jeffrey Clark has not been a contender in the congressional race in the 5th district since he announced he was running as an independent and in today's news, we are hearing he is wanting to work out a deal (kind of a demand) that if Robert Hurt (Rep.) will agree to debate him he will consider dropping out of the race. The fine print on this deal is he wants to see the poll numbers after the debate and make sure he does not have 25% or more of the vote.
The last poll this writer saw, Mr. Clark did not have but little more than 4% of the vote. How can he think he would wave his magic wand and suddenly have 25% of the vote? He would be debating against the front runner in the election, some that knows the people of the 5th district, not just a few people in the southside area.
We are getting down to the last weeks of this race and we now want to sign a peace treaty! I hope our candidate does not agree to such nonsense!
The last poll this writer saw, Mr. Clark did not have but little more than 4% of the vote. How can he think he would wave his magic wand and suddenly have 25% of the vote? He would be debating against the front runner in the election, some that knows the people of the 5th district, not just a few people in the southside area.
We are getting down to the last weeks of this race and we now want to sign a peace treaty! I hope our candidate does not agree to such nonsense!
Oct 11, 2010
A Plan to Restore America's Economy
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Foreign Money? Really? (FACTCHECK.ORG)
Democrats, from President Barack Obama on down, are trying to turn an evidence-free allegation into a major campaign theme, claiming that foreign corporations are "stealing our democracy" with secret, illegal contributions funneled through the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It’s a claim with little basis in fact.- The Democratic National Committee released a TV ad over the weekend claiming: "It appears they’ve even taken secret foreign money to influence our elections."
- President Obama said last week that "one of the largest groups paying for these ads regularly takes in money from foreign sources."
- The liberal group MoveOn.org is claiming, without any qualification, that "[f]oreign corporations are funding some of the $75 million the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is spending to defeat Democrats."
As we reported last week in an Ask FactCheck item on this subject, the claim that money from foreign corporations is funding Chamber of Commerce attack ads originated with a Democratic-leaning organization headed by John Podesta, former chief of staff for President Bill Clinton. That report noted that the chamber took in foreign dues (without reporting the amount) and then said that the chamber is "likely skirting longstanding campaign finance law" against foreign spending in U.S. elections. The word "likely" made clear the author was engaging in speculation, which the chamber flatly denied. Tita Freeman, the chamber’s vice president of communications and strategy, told us that money the chamber takes in from foreign corporations "is not used for political ads."Now others have challenged the claim. The New York Times reported:
New York Times, Oct. 8: [T]here is little evidence that what the chamber does in collecting overseas dues is improper or even unusual, according to both liberal and conservative election-law lawyers and campaign finance documents.The Times reported, for example, that U.S. subsidiaries of corporations based overseas have set up more than 160 political action committees. The Federal Election Commission states that this is perfectly legal so long as U.S. residents make the decisions and provide all the funds. The Times also noted that groups such as the AFL-CIO and the Sierra Club also have international affiliations. The AFL-CIO has pledged to spend $53 million on the midterm elections, mainly supporting Democrats.
In fact, the controversy over the Chamber of Commerce financing may say more about the Washington spin cycle — where an Internet blog posting can be quickly picked up by like-minded groups and become political fodder for the president himself — than it does about the vagaries of campaign finance.
Nevertheless, the Democratic National Committee repeated the foreign-money claim in an ad it released to weekend news shows. It was played on CBS’ "Face the Nation."
Democratic National Committee Ad:
"Stealing Democracy"
Announcer: Karl Rove, Ed Gillespie: They’re Bush cronies. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce: They’re shills for big business. And they’re stealing our democracy. Spending millions from secret donors to elect Republicans to do their bidding in Congress. It appears they’ve even taken secret foreign money to influence our elections. It’s incredible: Republicans benefiting from secret foreign money. Tell the Bush crowd and the Chamber of Commerce: Stop stealing our democracy."Stealing Democracy"
On "Face the Nation," CBS’ Bob Schieffer noted that the Times had quoted the chamber’s chief lobbyist as saying that the chamber got less than $100,000 from foreign affiliates, and Schieffer challenged White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod:
CBS’ Schieffer, Oct. 10: But this part about foreign money, that appears to be peanuts, Mister Axelrod, I mean, do you have any evidence that it’s anything other than peanuts?Axelrod said "the core of the problem" is that the chamber won’t identify the sources of money it is using to fund its ads, except to say that it’s not from foreign sources. It’s true that the chamber won’t release donors — there’s no legal requirement for it to do so — and also won’t discuss the specific accounting methods it uses to keep foreign money separate.
Axelrod: Well, do you have any evidence that it’s not, Bob?
As we reported last week, however, any "reasonable accounting method" will do, according to the governing advisory opinion issued by the Federal Election Commission.
The FEC, in AO 1992-16, allowed the wholly owned U.S. subsidiary of a Japanese company to make corporate donations to state and local candidates in Hawaii, provided that the U.S. company could show that it had enough funds from its domestic operations to cover the donations.
FEC, AO 1992-16: The [U.S.] subsidiary must be able to demonstrate through a reasonable accounting method that it has sufficient funds in its account, other than funds given or loaned by its foreign national parent, from which the contribution is made.The FEC reaffirmed that position as recently as 2006, in another advisory opinion stating that domestic subsidiaries of foreign corporations may donate to state and local elections. That was AO 2006-15, which ruled that two U.S. subsidiaries of a Canadian energy company "may make corporate donations and disbursements in connection with State and local elections to the extent permitted by State and local law," provided that no foreign nationals decide where the money is given and all funds come from U.S. sources.
The amount of foreign money the chamber takes in is actually somewhat more than $100,000 — though the chamber won’t say how much more. The chamber’s vice president of communications, Tita Freeman, told us that the chamber gets about $100,000 per year through American Chambers of Commerce overseas. That’s the $100,000 that the chief lobbyist was referring to in the Times story, another chamber official confirmed with us. In addition, Freeman said the chamber also receives membership dues directly from foreign corporations, though she would not say how much.
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Nevertheless, some Democrats are taking the position that the Chamber of Commerce is guilty of using foreign contributions until proven innocent. MoveOn.org is using this claim in a fundraising appeal, both in e-mail messages and on its website:MoveOn.org website: Foreign corporations are funding some of the $75 million the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is spending to defeat Democrats this election cycle. Ask the Justice Department to investigate.President Obama, in recent campaign appearances, has been a bit more circumspect, but not much. He has hedged his claim with words like "maybe" and "could."
At a campaign rally for Illinois Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias at Chicago’s Drake Hotel, Obama said:
Obama, Oct. 7: Just this week, we learned that one of the largest groups paying for these ads regularly takes in money from foreign sources.He repeated the claim three days later at a DNC rally in Philadelphia’s Fulton Elementary School Park:
So the question for the people of Illinois is, are you going to let special interests from Wall Street and Washington and maybe places beyond our shores come to this state and tell us who our senator should be?
Obama, Oct. 10: [S]pecial interest groups … are spending unlimited amounts of money on attack ads — attacking folks like Patrick Murphy, attacking folks like Joe Sestak — just attacking people without ever disclosing who’s behind all these attack ads. You don’t know. It could be the oil industry. It could be the insurance industry. It could even be foreign-owned corporations. You don’t know because they don’t have to disclose.It’s certainly true that millions are being spent without public disclosure, and that much of the money is coming from corporations taking advantage of a Supreme Court ruling easing restrictions on political spending. But using foreign funds to finance political ads is still a legal violation. Accusing anybody of violating the law is a serious matter requiring serious evidence to back it up. So far Democrats have produced none.
Now, that’s not just a threat to Democrats — that’s a threat to our democracy.
– by Brooks Jackson
Lichtblau, Eric, "Topic of Foreign Money in U.S. Races Hits Hustings" New York Times. 8 Oct 2010.Stone, Peter H. "U.S. Chamber Boosts Election Budget to $75 Million." The Center for Public Integrity. 1 Jul 2010.
Federal Election Commission. "Foreign Nationals." Jul 2003.
Foreign Agents Registration Act. 22 U.S.C. sec. 611.
Federal Election Commission. "Federal Election Campaign Laws." Apr 2008.
Fang, Lee. "Foreign-Funded ‘U.S.’ Chamber Of Commerce Running Partisan Attack Ads." ThinkProgress. 5 Oct 2010.
MoveOn.org. "Investigate foreign corporations funding U.S. Chamber of Commerce political attacks." Petition drive. Oct 2010.
Remarks by the President at Rally for Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley. The White House. 7 Oct 2010.
Remarks by the President and the Vice President at a DNC "Moving America Forward" Rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The White House. 10 Oct 2010.
Federal Election Commission. Advisory Opinion 1992-16. 26 Jun 1992.
Federal Election Commission. Advisory Opinion 2006-15. 19 May 2006.
Posted by Brooks Jackson on Monday, October 11, 2010 at 3:17 pm
Filed under Articles · Tagged with Barack Obama, chamber of commerce, Democratic National Committee, foreign corporations, foreign money, MoveOn.org
Filed under Articles · Tagged with Barack Obama, chamber of commerce, Democratic National Committee, foreign corporations, foreign money, MoveOn.org
Not All The Media Wants You To Believe It Is
Yes this week Mr. One Term was endorsed by VFW PAC! But we need to remember this is a political action committee that only represents a few that are on the committee.
Most veterans I have talked with around the 5th district have not and do not support Mr. One Term. Many seem to forget that he voted for the health care bill (ObamaCare) and in there you will find there are changes to TriCare which is the health insurance many of many of our veterans. In this bill, several changes for TriCare will be taking effect in the near future. Does this PAC not have any idea that throwing their support behing Mr. One Term is wrong? They know as well as I do that he voted for less benefits for veterans through this healthcare bill.
If you know a veteran in the 5th district, please talk with them. Make sure they understand it is only a PAC not VFW as a whole that has endorsed One Term.
We need a Congressman that will stand firm in his belief to help the people of the 5th district, Virginia and the United States. Not someone that will flip flop in their speeches. One day they are for the veteran and the next day they are voting for a healthcare bill that will take benefits away from them.
On November 2nd vote Robert Hurt to be your next leader in Virginia's 5th Congressional District!
Most veterans I have talked with around the 5th district have not and do not support Mr. One Term. Many seem to forget that he voted for the health care bill (ObamaCare) and in there you will find there are changes to TriCare which is the health insurance many of many of our veterans. In this bill, several changes for TriCare will be taking effect in the near future. Does this PAC not have any idea that throwing their support behing Mr. One Term is wrong? They know as well as I do that he voted for less benefits for veterans through this healthcare bill.
If you know a veteran in the 5th district, please talk with them. Make sure they understand it is only a PAC not VFW as a whole that has endorsed One Term.
We need a Congressman that will stand firm in his belief to help the people of the 5th district, Virginia and the United States. Not someone that will flip flop in their speeches. One day they are for the veteran and the next day they are voting for a healthcare bill that will take benefits away from them.
On November 2nd vote Robert Hurt to be your next leader in Virginia's 5th Congressional District!
Young Guns
"A Jew, a Catholic and a Southern Baptist walk in to Congress..."
Sounds like the start of a bad joke. But it is actually the story of Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy, three of the most promising young men in Congress today. Eric from Richmond, VA , Paul from Wisconsin and McCarthy from California, an unlikely trio, but three of our most conservative Congressmen.
After reading much of the book Young Guns and checking out the website with same title, I am impressed at the way these three have presented themselves and how they are trying to encourage Republicans across this vast nation to stick to their beliefs.
Immediately after the inauguration of President Obama, these men went to the White House to talk with the new president and his staff regarding the economy. They had a proposal for this administration and had hopes of being able to work with them to get businesses back on track. The opinion of this writer is to agree with these Young Guns....it is not up to the GOVERNMENT to create jobs. Our government was not designed to be an employer, but to create opportunities for free enterprise. For businesses to thrive and be able to make a profit and employ citizens of this country.
These gentlemen learned the day before the stimulus plan was introduced before Congress what the bill would hold. They were more or less told that if they went out on their own and didn't vote for the bill, they would not be in their positions for another term. (This writer paraphrasing!)
Well we are in the middle of that election right now and I for one want to see the Jew, the Catholic and the Southern Baptist re-elected along with many others that are seeking the post on the Republican ticket. If you visit the Young Guns website, you will find a list of those desiring to fall in line with Cantor, Ryan and McCarthy. http://www.gopyoungguns.com/
I applaud what these men have stood up for in our country. They are what we need more of in Congress.
Sounds like the start of a bad joke. But it is actually the story of Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy, three of the most promising young men in Congress today. Eric from Richmond, VA , Paul from Wisconsin and McCarthy from California, an unlikely trio, but three of our most conservative Congressmen.
After reading much of the book Young Guns and checking out the website with same title, I am impressed at the way these three have presented themselves and how they are trying to encourage Republicans across this vast nation to stick to their beliefs.
Immediately after the inauguration of President Obama, these men went to the White House to talk with the new president and his staff regarding the economy. They had a proposal for this administration and had hopes of being able to work with them to get businesses back on track. The opinion of this writer is to agree with these Young Guns....it is not up to the GOVERNMENT to create jobs. Our government was not designed to be an employer, but to create opportunities for free enterprise. For businesses to thrive and be able to make a profit and employ citizens of this country.
These gentlemen learned the day before the stimulus plan was introduced before Congress what the bill would hold. They were more or less told that if they went out on their own and didn't vote for the bill, they would not be in their positions for another term. (This writer paraphrasing!)
Well we are in the middle of that election right now and I for one want to see the Jew, the Catholic and the Southern Baptist re-elected along with many others that are seeking the post on the Republican ticket. If you visit the Young Guns website, you will find a list of those desiring to fall in line with Cantor, Ryan and McCarthy. http://www.gopyoungguns.com/
I applaud what these men have stood up for in our country. They are what we need more of in Congress.
Oct 8, 2010
Have Pride in Our Nation!
OK, I'm so sick of those who use our system to belittle others! This is a nation that was founded on faith and the freedoms that were quashed in other worlds. But, there are so many who use and abuse the very principles that were meant to protect us and raise us above the base of what people can become.
Take, for example, Westboro Baptist Church. How can we, as a society, condone one sick, small-minded group of people who use the guise of a church to belittle and demean others? For that matter, how can any of us use our pride as Christians to destroy others? As the "moral Right," how do any of us think that we have some inroad to what God thinks is right for our world? We know that He guides us by the original words of the Bible, but it's not for any one of us to use that against others.
As Republicans, we NEED to remember that we are not one, inspired group of peoples. We ARE Christians. We ARE Jews. We ARE heterosexual. We ARE gay. We ARE Black. We ARE white, and we have some mixes of pigment in between. We even do have Muslims who ARE Republicans. We do NOT want others to see us as bigots! Do we not realize that the Dems and those who sway back and forth see us just like bigots? They see use just like Westboro Baptist Church; and if any of you agree with what WBC has to say, you need to move along to some other hate opinion, because this is not the place for it.
We have the opportunity to sway lost voters to what we really believe is the best interest of this country. We believe in patriotism. We believe in the American flag. We believe in the National Anthem! We are a group that still has faith and pride in our country and what it has been in the past and what it can further become in the future! We're in this together, and we need to remember that, as long as any one person is proud to stand with us as a group (and mind you, we ARE equals together) they ARE with us. We are NOT to demean or condemn any other person for what they believe, even if they are ingnorant (joking, or maybe not).
When you're out, look to your side and wonder if the person next to you believes in a proud future for our nation like you do. If you think they do, reach out to them and find out what they really do think. We can't judge a person by our perceptions. That's when we lose votes. That's when we've lost future friends.
Each of you has to be inspired to make a difference! There are those who have no problem standing up and screaming from the rooftops what they believe (and it's not always with the best of forethought), but we need to have those people who believe from inside of them, sometimes very quietly, who can go out there and tell everyone else WHAT we believe in and WHO we believe in to take us there.
We have only a few weeks left; and while there are those of us who live in secure districts, we need to make this a statewide and nationwide fight. Get out there and show everyone else what you really believe in your candidate! Get out there and let others see how devoted you are to the future of our country.
Remember, we're NOT one group or another. We believe in the future together. To laud fellow Republicans, I applaud Coby Dillard who posted this week about the importance of bringing in the African American or just plain, "black" vote. I applaud Debbie Munoz and Zach Gelpey who are Jewish Republicans. I applaud Tito Munoz and Laura Ramirez who fight to bring in the Hispanic vote, as well as fight the Socialist influence coming in from South America.
Which one of us thinks that we're better than this? If you think you are, you need to meet these wonderful Republicans and what they represent for you. God bless us - all of us - ALL us! Get out there and make a difference - for everyone!
Stand up for our candidates who are giving everything they can for us. This IS your future!
Take, for example, Westboro Baptist Church. How can we, as a society, condone one sick, small-minded group of people who use the guise of a church to belittle and demean others? For that matter, how can any of us use our pride as Christians to destroy others? As the "moral Right," how do any of us think that we have some inroad to what God thinks is right for our world? We know that He guides us by the original words of the Bible, but it's not for any one of us to use that against others.
As Republicans, we NEED to remember that we are not one, inspired group of peoples. We ARE Christians. We ARE Jews. We ARE heterosexual. We ARE gay. We ARE Black. We ARE white, and we have some mixes of pigment in between. We even do have Muslims who ARE Republicans. We do NOT want others to see us as bigots! Do we not realize that the Dems and those who sway back and forth see us just like bigots? They see use just like Westboro Baptist Church; and if any of you agree with what WBC has to say, you need to move along to some other hate opinion, because this is not the place for it.
We have the opportunity to sway lost voters to what we really believe is the best interest of this country. We believe in patriotism. We believe in the American flag. We believe in the National Anthem! We are a group that still has faith and pride in our country and what it has been in the past and what it can further become in the future! We're in this together, and we need to remember that, as long as any one person is proud to stand with us as a group (and mind you, we ARE equals together) they ARE with us. We are NOT to demean or condemn any other person for what they believe, even if they are ingnorant (joking, or maybe not).
When you're out, look to your side and wonder if the person next to you believes in a proud future for our nation like you do. If you think they do, reach out to them and find out what they really do think. We can't judge a person by our perceptions. That's when we lose votes. That's when we've lost future friends.
Each of you has to be inspired to make a difference! There are those who have no problem standing up and screaming from the rooftops what they believe (and it's not always with the best of forethought), but we need to have those people who believe from inside of them, sometimes very quietly, who can go out there and tell everyone else WHAT we believe in and WHO we believe in to take us there.
We have only a few weeks left; and while there are those of us who live in secure districts, we need to make this a statewide and nationwide fight. Get out there and show everyone else what you really believe in your candidate! Get out there and let others see how devoted you are to the future of our country.
Remember, we're NOT one group or another. We believe in the future together. To laud fellow Republicans, I applaud Coby Dillard who posted this week about the importance of bringing in the African American or just plain, "black" vote. I applaud Debbie Munoz and Zach Gelpey who are Jewish Republicans. I applaud Tito Munoz and Laura Ramirez who fight to bring in the Hispanic vote, as well as fight the Socialist influence coming in from South America.
Which one of us thinks that we're better than this? If you think you are, you need to meet these wonderful Republicans and what they represent for you. God bless us - all of us - ALL us! Get out there and make a difference - for everyone!
Stand up for our candidates who are giving everything they can for us. This IS your future!
Oct 6, 2010
Fired Up!
It takes a lot to get Faith N Country fired up, but the farther we get into the election season, I am seeing more and more that has me upset with the way our country has been going and is going to continue to go until we get up off our lazy back sides and do something to change things.
Yes many people fell for the "change" two years ago. I am happy to say I was not one of them. But today, I am wanting change. I was to see our country change...back on a track our Founding Fathers would be proud of. One that will leave a leagcy to our children and grandchildren and generations to come.
Mr. One Term has had one television commercial after another that has distorted the truth and almost made me laugh at his most recent one that ends with him stating "I respect my elders!" I am at a point where I look forward to watching early morning and evening television to see what his latest one will be and if he has someone now talking to a well you know....(brick wall).
I had heard the unions in the 5th district would be hitting the streets in support of Mr. One Term. They actually started their door knocking today.
So today, I challenge you to knock on that door, pick up that phone, speak to the person beside you in the grocery store, display that bumper sticker and show your support for Robert Hurt, the next Congressman from the 5th District of Virginia.
Yes many people fell for the "change" two years ago. I am happy to say I was not one of them. But today, I am wanting change. I was to see our country change...back on a track our Founding Fathers would be proud of. One that will leave a leagcy to our children and grandchildren and generations to come.
Mr. One Term has had one television commercial after another that has distorted the truth and almost made me laugh at his most recent one that ends with him stating "I respect my elders!" I am at a point where I look forward to watching early morning and evening television to see what his latest one will be and if he has someone now talking to a well you know....(brick wall).
I had heard the unions in the 5th district would be hitting the streets in support of Mr. One Term. They actually started their door knocking today.
So today, I challenge you to knock on that door, pick up that phone, speak to the person beside you in the grocery store, display that bumper sticker and show your support for Robert Hurt, the next Congressman from the 5th District of Virginia.
Oct 5, 2010
What We Believe...
The Republican Creed
We believe that the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice.
That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society.
That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraint must be exercised at all levels of government.
That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense.
That faith in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers, is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation
As a republican I believe in this creed and promise to work to elect those that believe in this creed.
In the 5th District, I look forward to seeing Robert Hurt elected to office. He stands tall for the statements listed above and will work to keep the values we hold dear in the 5th at the forefront of politics in Washington.
Please remember to take a moment where ever you are to speak with someone about Robert and the election in November.
We believe that the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice.
That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society.
That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraint must be exercised at all levels of government.
That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense.
That faith in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers, is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation
As a republican I believe in this creed and promise to work to elect those that believe in this creed.
In the 5th District, I look forward to seeing Robert Hurt elected to office. He stands tall for the statements listed above and will work to keep the values we hold dear in the 5th at the forefront of politics in Washington.
Please remember to take a moment where ever you are to speak with someone about Robert and the election in November.
Oct 4, 2010
5th District Debate Schedule
October 13th (In Studio Only)
There are gatherings all across the district to watch the debate. Please contact friends and let them join you in cheering for Robert.
WSLS Debate with Jay Warren
Broadcast on WSLS TV
6pm – 6:30pm
October 19th
League of Women Voters Debate
Location: Piedmont Virginia Community College
501 College Dr, Charlottesville, Virginia
Broadcast by WCAV-TV Channel 19
7pm – 8pm
October 21st
The Danville Register & Bee and the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
Location: The Institute for Advanced Learning and Research
Danville, VA
7pm – 8pm
October 27th
Lynchburg Chamber of Commerce Debate
Location: Randolph College
2500 Rivermont Ave
Lynchburg, VA 24503
5pm – 6pm
October 29th
Martinsville Chamber of Commerce Debate
Location: Martinsville Uptown- Theatre
217 E. Church Street
P.O. Box 614
Martinsville, VA 24114
3pm – 4pm
There are gatherings all across the district to watch the debate. Please contact friends and let them join you in cheering for Robert.
WSLS Debate with Jay Warren
Broadcast on WSLS TV
6pm – 6:30pm
October 19th
League of Women Voters Debate
Location: Piedmont Virginia Community College
501 College Dr, Charlottesville, Virginia
Broadcast by WCAV-TV Channel 19
7pm – 8pm
October 21st
The Danville Register & Bee and the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
Location: The Institute for Advanced Learning and Research
Danville, VA
7pm – 8pm
October 27th
Lynchburg Chamber of Commerce Debate
Location: Randolph College
2500 Rivermont Ave
Lynchburg, VA 24503
5pm – 6pm
October 29th
Martinsville Chamber of Commerce Debate
Location: Martinsville Uptown- Theatre
217 E. Church Street
P.O. Box 614
Martinsville, VA 24114
3pm – 4pm
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