Oct 30, 2010

Who is Jeff Clark in Bed With?

It is times like these we hear old expressions like "it is going to get worse before it gets better" or "it is always darkest before the dawn."  Well it is proving true the "politics makes strange bed fellows" in Virginia's 5th district.  It has become evident Mr. Clark is in bed with the democrats and Tom Perriello.

The 5th district of Virginia had been a conservative area for many years, but in 2008, big money was brought in an Tom Perriello was able to unseat Virgil Goode. Completely blinded by this change of events that conservative base has been working double time the last two years to right out tilting ship from the left back to the right again.

Politics can be a dirty place to play and at times it will keep Christians from being involved.  At times this mentality will keep them from being informed.  They will turn a blind eye.  We are now hearing on the radio ads from a women in Campbell County that she is a christian and voting for her "wonderful" christian candidate Tom Perriello for Congress.  The very guy that voted for the healthcare bill which includes federal funding for abortions. Well I wonder does she realize who he and his democrat friends are funding.  (Of course I could expand on this subject immensely but will refrain!)

If you live in the 5th district you may have received some mailers from Jeff Clark in recent weeks.  If yours didn't end up immediately in the trash can, please take a moment to review each mailer.  Mr. Clark talks about wanting things like the Fair-Tax and to cut spending.  But then you glance to the bottom corner of the page and you will see his flyers are being sent out by the National Democratic Committee.

Does this mean he would be caucusing with the Dems.?

Oh I am sure it does?  You don't see them sending out literature with Robert Hurt's name on it for support.  When will we wake up and realize the dirty underhanded things the democrats are doing in the 5th and other parts of Virginia.  Come on people the time to decide is now.  We are only 3 days away from one of the most important elections we have faced in our history.

Please vote on Tuesday, November 2nd and cast your vote in the 5th district for Robert Hurt!

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