Oct 16, 2010

Are 5th District Voters Really Just a Bunch of Hicks?

That's the question that I'm left with after listening to Perriello's most recent, radio ads. The voices in those commercials sound like someone just jumped out of an old episode of "Hee Haw." Is that really what Tommy Boy thinks of his constituents?

As to those ads, I have to add my rebuttal, because I was even asked by a fellow, Republican woman yesterday evening as to what's really true. Well as to some of those truths vs. mistruths, I've worked hard to tell people that they aren't actually lies - that I can't call Perriello a straight-out liar, but they ARE complete mistruths. He can point voters to look up Robert Hurt's voting record to see what he actually did vote, just as in the case of the commercial about who voted which way on the extension of unemployment benefits. But, what he doesn't give you is the real story behind each of those votes. In reality, these are two, completely different cases of votes.

Tommy's vote was at the federal level, and we all know how they love to vote to spend money! They can continually vote to add more "benefits" for the American people, but they never plan for how we're supposed to pay for them.

But, Robert's vote in the state of Virginia was a somber, but necessary vote to keep the interests of Virginians going. Unlike the national budget, the State of Virginia requires a balanced budget each year; and if Virginia had accepted the portion of the stimulus funds that would have extended unemployment benefits in Virginia, it would have been the people of Virginia who would have ended up bearing that burden. It wouldn't have been the federal budget that would have been impacted (as they'd already blown that away in the first place with the stimulus bill), but it would have ended up coming down to Virginians having to deal with the hit to our own, state budget once those stimulus funds ran out. Robert, along with his Republican colleagues in the Virginia legislature, had to make the tough, but prudent decision to vote against receiving those funds from the federal government. We can't keep paying for the federal government's tabs. We have to look out for our own state first, and I thank the Virginia legislators, including Robert Hurt, for opting not to take Obama's bribe money.

So when Tommy keeps telling all of the hicks, as he seems to think we are in the 5th district, that he's been looking out for us, ask him how he'd planned on paying for that looking out for us. What Tommy, Nancy, Harry, and Barry have all tried to do for us is give us that nice, shiny, new car, only to tell us afterward that we had to pay for it ourselves and at insurmountable interest rates for the rest of our lives, along with all of our generations to come.

So yea, Tommy and crew, thanks for those grand votes that you keep wanting to make for us; but please, I'd rather be able to buy groceries tomorrow, rather than pay for the salaries of union bosses and Wall Street moguls. And, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop trying to dumb us down. Take that back to New York and see how that goes over there.

Thanks, Robert, Morgan, and all of our other Virginia legislators who were prudent enough to know when to say No!

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