Oct 11, 2010

Young Guns

"A Jew, a Catholic and a Southern Baptist walk in to Congress..."

Sounds like the start of a bad joke.  But it is actually the story of Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy, three of the most promising young men in Congress today.   Eric from Richmond, VA , Paul from Wisconsin and McCarthy from California, an unlikely trio, but three of our most conservative Congressmen.

After reading much of the book Young Guns and checking out the website with same title, I am impressed at the way these three have presented themselves and how they are trying to encourage Republicans across this vast nation to stick to their beliefs. 

Immediately after the inauguration of President Obama, these men went to the White House to talk with the new president and his staff regarding the economy.  They had a proposal for this administration and had hopes of being able to work with them to get businesses back on track.  The opinion of this writer is to agree with these Young Guns....it is not up to the GOVERNMENT to create jobs.  Our government was not designed to be an employer, but to create opportunities for free enterprise.  For businesses to thrive and be able to make a profit and employ citizens of this country. 

These gentlemen learned the day before the stimulus plan was introduced before Congress what the bill would hold.  They were more or less told that if they went out on their own and didn't vote for the bill, they would not be in their positions for another term.  (This writer paraphrasing!) 

Well we are in the middle of that election right now and I for one want to see the Jew, the Catholic and the Southern Baptist re-elected along with many others that are seeking the post on the Republican ticket.  If you visit the Young Guns website, you will find a list of those desiring to fall in line with Cantor, Ryan and McCarthy.  http://www.gopyoungguns.com/

I applaud what these men have stood up for in our country.  They are what we need more of in Congress.

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