Oct 30, 2010

The Hurt Campaign Calls On Congressman Perriello To Come Clean Once And For All About Sending Anonymous Mail Pieces Promoting The Third Party Candidate

It is now becoming increasingly clear that in the most cynical attempt to win an election, Congressman Perriello is willing to deceive voters by promoting the third party candidate through anonymous mail pieces.  

This is a pitiful attempt by an increasingly desperate candidate who knows he can’t win on his own failed record to trick the people of the 5th District by using the third party candidate as his pawn. Central and Southside Virginians deserve better than a Congressman who will say or do anything just to get elected and who proactively initiates, partakes in, and approves of this kind of dishonest, classless, and devious style of campaigning.

The Hurt campaign is calling on Congressman Perriello to immediately admit to and come clean about his role in sending these anonymous mail pieces. These kinds of political mail pieces without a disclaimer are in direct violation of FEC law.

The Facts:
·         Congressman Perriello uses a union shop to print his franked mail. Note the union bug in the corner of page two on the attached piece. It is identified as shop No. 14. The websites attached demonstrate that Union Shop No. 14 is MV Print: 3229 Hubbard Road Landover, Maryland 20785.
·         A number of anonymous mailers have been showing up in the 5th District. While they bear no disclaimer, they do show bulk permit number 2856 from the Merrifield, VA Post Office. It has been confirmed that MV Print is bulk permit number 2856.
·         Why is a mail shop that does Congressman Perriello's official mail pieces for his Congressional office, paid for at taxpayer expense, doing anonymous mail that would benefit Congressman Perriello in the General Election? It seems to be a rather strong coincidence.


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