Oct 24, 2010

What do Virginia Republicans Think About Robert Hurt?

Whether we are a candidate seeking the nomination or if we have lost that nomination, we need to always be mindful of what we are saying.  Tearing down a fellow republican can be used against you!

Feda Mortan, Mike McPadden, Jim McKelvey and Laurence Verga are any of you thinking twice now about what you said against the candidate?  Many times we say something about someone that comes back and will bite us, (well where we don't want to get bit) and wish we had said things differently. 

Are these sore losers in our party or is Mr. One Term grasping at anything to make our side look bad.  I am hoping these fine republicans have not given Mr. One Term permission to use their likeness and they are able to get a stop put to him using their words against our candidate.  If you did give your permission, shame on you!

I support our candidate!  Robert Hurt will be the next Congressman from VA-05.

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