Oct 6, 2010

Fired Up!

It takes a lot to get Faith N Country fired up, but the farther we get into the election season, I am seeing more and more that has me upset with the way our country has been going and is going to continue to go until we get up off our lazy back sides and do something to change things.

Yes many people fell for the "change" two years ago.  I am happy to say I was not one of them.  But today, I am wanting change.  I was to see our country change...back on a track our Founding Fathers would be proud of.  One that will leave a leagcy to our children and grandchildren and generations to come.

Mr. One Term has had one television commercial after another that has distorted the truth and almost made me laugh at his most recent one that ends with him stating "I respect my elders!"  I am at a point where I look forward to watching early morning and evening television to see what his latest one will be and if he has someone now talking to a well you know....(brick wall). 

I had heard the unions in the 5th district would be hitting the streets in support of Mr. One Term.  They actually started their door knocking today. 

So today, I challenge you to knock on that door, pick up that phone, speak to the person beside you in the grocery store, display that bumper sticker and show your support for Robert Hurt, the next Congressman from the 5th District of Virginia.


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