Oct 26, 2010

Obama to Stump for His "Independent" Little Mini-Me

OK after I finally stopped giggling, I decided that I had to share this. The word has been released that Obama is going to head to Charlottesville to stump for his little compatriot. Now, I wonder what little Tommy will have to say about all of his campaign ads that portray him as his own man. Right...

Tom Perriello, who can't seem to tell a straight truth out of any side of his mouth... or his backside... is now going to be hosting the great Obama. This smacks of even more desperation, not just for Perriello, but for the DNC as well. News has revealed that the DNC has pulled money and efforts out of various, Democratic campaigns around the country in the past week; but in it's last moments, after casting little Tommy to the side, the big kids on the block want to come down and play in Tommy's sandbox. How nice.

After releasing his most recent commercial over the weekend, Perriello is pulling out all of the stops in his desperation. Using the words of fellow Republicans from during their own campaigns against Robert Hurt is really stooping to a new, ever more ridiculous low.

And, what's with all of the ads saying "we've had enough Hurt." Tommy's even trying to confuse voters with who's actually the incumbent here. He knows that there's such a backlash against incumbents, especially the Democratic incumbents, that he's even trying to confuse the fact that Robert Hurt has not been the one serving at the federal level. This was Tommy at the federal level, voting for Cap & Trade, voting for the stimulus, voting for Obamacare. This is a matter of the fact that Tommy's running scared and trying to throw all of his garbage out of his bags as he runs.

Seriously, "Mr." Perriello, is this again how little you think of your own constituents? It hasn't been enough to portray them as hicks. It hasn't been enough to distort every truth surrounding your votes and your motives for casting them (remember the handshake and the pat on the back right before you sold out your own stance on abortion?). Now, you want to attempt to confuse your voting constituents with whether or not you're even the incumbent?

Well in advance, I just want to say thank you for bringing the Big O to the 5th district and giving your constituents the real truth about where you really do stand in the shadow of the big boys. Those are going to be fantastic photo ops!

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