Oct 27, 2010

Mini Lesson on Virginia's Congressional Districts

OK for those of you who aren't completely comfortable with your knowledge of this year's, Virginia congressional races...

First, congressmen and women, aka Representatives as they are the members of the U.S. House of Representatives, are elected and re-elected every two years. This year, Virginia has five, incumbent (meaning they're already in this office), Republican congressmen. Virginia has 11 congressional districts, so that means we have six others in play to win the seats away from the Democrats.

The seats are currently held by:

1st District - Rob Wittman (R)
2nd District - Glenn Nye (D) being challenged by Scott Rigell (R)
3rd District - Bobby Scott (D) being challenged by Chuck Smith (R)
4th District - Randy Forbes (R)
5th District - Tom Perriello (R) being challenged by Robert Hurt (R)
6th District - Bob Goodlatte (R)
7th District - Eric Cantor (R)
8th District - Jim Moran (D) being challenged by Patrick Murray (R)
9th District - Rick Boucher (D) being challended by Morgan Griffith (R)
10th District - Frank Wolf (R)
11th District - Gerry Connolly (D) being challenged by Keith Fimian (R)

So when you see their signs and their ads, remember that these are the guys who need your help. Encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to get out on Tuesday and vote for these Republicans. Our votes on Tuesday could make a world of difference for our futures.

God Bless America - and Virginia, too!

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