Nov 7, 2010

What Does the POTUS Put First?

We all go to the polls and vote on election day and hope we are voting in the best candidate to do the job, one whose values will line up with ours and one that will listen to what the people of their district is saying to them on what we would like to see accomplished while they are in office.

We all know we are not seeing out of the POTUS what we want, what we feel will better the country and what our founding fathers had as a vision for the future of America.

His recent trip overseas spending $200 million + is a prime example of the things we have not seen other Presidents do when over sears trips.  How many times have previous Presidents rented whole hotels, taken battleships, 6,000 people with them on a trip?  There has already been an announcement that he is working on an agreement to increase possibly 50,000 jobs in the future for overseas trade.

No matter the announcement, it is one of those things I will believe when I see it.  Some where in the middle of this trip, I am sure we will see it is a vacation for him and the Mrs. and all of their family and friends.

After finishing the book "Spoken from the Heart" by First Lady Laura Bush, I am more proud of the Bush family than most people would have ever said while either President Bush was in office.  The following is an excerpt from pages 420 and 421:

"There is also a larger picture to consider.  No one, not even a president, is going to make the right decision every time.  Presidents may have more information on which to base their decisions, but they do not have the benefit of hindsight.  They mus be prepared to take risks for what they believe is right.  And they must try to anticipate the future, not just two years or four years out but what consequences will be decades ahead.

George believes, and I believe as well, that the presidency is larger than the men who are in it.  The Founding Fathers, who in the spring of 1787 wrestled with this issue, designed it that way.  Each president's responsibility is to the office, the sole national institution that speaks for all Americans, regardless of their party or class or home or age.  George always believed that it was his responsibility to treat the office with great care.

Presidents are not always right, but history tells us that our core values are right and that our country is good.  Those are the values that guided George, the touchstone by which is measured what he did.  George knew that in the heat of the moment, presidents tend to get much of the blame and little of the credit.  Not all of his presidents to make decisions solely on the basis of their personal popularity, or poll numbers, or daily headlines.  The challenges we face are too great for that.

I am proud that, as president, George acted on principle, that he put our country first and himself last."

Is this the same values we see from our current president?  No I do not believe it is!  He is putting himself and his agenda first, not that of the American people.

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