Nov 16, 2010

The Cat Fights Begin

It's amazing that, within a few, short hours, even a few bids for a State Central seat have turned into a mud-fest.  Are we really all that petty in the 5th District?  This is exactly why we need a new face.

I've seen the numerous, Facebook attacks going in multiple directions in the past hours.  After living in the 5th and watching the political mud-slinging over the past year especially, it shouldn't come as a surprise that we can't even move forward enough to get past all of this garbage.

Dolores Switzer has been a team player throughout the districts.  She hasn't chosen one side or another.  She has worked well with all who will carry the banner of our Conservative causes forward.  She has reached out across the 5th, 6th, and 9th Districts to ensure the elections of our best candidates.  She worked diligently for Robert in the 5th, acting as his Bedford County contact and moving forward as a member of RPV's Election Day Organization, working with unit leaders throughout the district to have every precinct covered and prevent Perriello from another swindle.  She has worked through multiple elections now to keep Bob Goodlatte, an extraordinary congressman, fighting for us in the 6th, and she traveled in the 9th district this fall to make certain that Morgan Griffith became the next congressman for the Southwestern part of our state, this all following her devotion to our causes in last year's sweep of Virginia.

We can all go on our actions of the past, but what we really need are those who are devoting their present.  While I mean no disrespect to any other candidate, we can't keep falling back on what we did in the past.  We have to have those people out there who are working now to get our causes moved forward.  Acidic attacks on members of our own party are not what we need in new leadership.  We need leaders who will hold their heads high and remember how to lead by example, how to reach out to everyone, and how to move us forward.  That person - that leader - is in Dolores Switzer.

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