Nov 9, 2010

No Dem for Robert Hurt's Seat

It seems as though the Dems have finally started thinking - just a bit.

State Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw has stated that there will be no Dem contender for Robert Hurt's newly to be vacant, state senate seat. That's somewhat of a coup for us - at this point. That doesn't mean that they won't still have someone who decides on their own to make the run for the seat during the special election; but for now, no Dem.

That brings us to who will be the Republican nominee for the seat. We know that Bill Stanley is going to run. No secret there, as he announced immediately upon Robert's win, with lapel stickers ready to adorn every lapel, sweater, shirt, and blouse that will hold one. The man will be hard to beat. He's a big pond lawyer who is already in a leadership position in the 5th district which holds Robert's seat.

Then, we have Fred Shanks who is a member of the Danville City Council and small businessman. It will be tough to go up against Bill Stanley and succeed for this gentleman, in my opinion.

But in all of the news coverage and talk, why is it that I'm seeing the attention really only going toward the male delegates who reside in the districts that overlap Robert's seat? I've seen coverage that neither Del. Danny Marshall, Del. Don Merricks, nor Del. Charles Poindexter intend to run, but why aren't they covering the question about Del. Kathy Byron?

Kathy Byron has proven herself to be a strong delegate for our area. She is well respected amongst her peers. She has championed some of our most conservative causes and bills, and she has the experience, not to say that the other delegates listed do not. But, I have to wonder why her name is not coming into play here. We'll hope that it isn't sexism, because she's more than shown up a number of the men when it comes to her legislation and her determination. If it's that Kathy isn't interested and wants to carry on in her House of Delegates seat, that's wonderful. We know that she's a success there; but even so, I have to wonder why it is that the media hasn't been reporting more on her.

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