Lunch speakers are Lt Governor Bill Bolling and Congressman Elect Robert Hurt.
Mr Bolling has asked us to remember what our republican values and principles are stand strong, be happy and reach out to the people in our state. We all need to reach out to the changing face of Virginia.
We are building a better America, a better Virginia and a better Replblican party.
Bill Stanley is introducing Robert Hurt. It is amazing the number of years they have known each other. We have enjoyed hearing the antics between them.
Robert is going to enjoy beginning her career not in the best of offices in Washington, but with some of the best spirit we could hope to represent us in the 5th district. It was great to hear him speak about sending Ward Armstrong an email the night of the election reminding him that he was now his congressman.
Robert gets the picture. In order for our country to be on the track our For Fathers set for our country, we need to set the course for private enterprise to thrive. If the current administration doesn't want to work our way, we need to defund them. The funding from ObamaCare needs to be stripped.
He feels the freshman need to learn the ropes, not the ropes Washington style. The people of this country have sent a message and we now need to make sure we follow what we have promised the people.
Nov 20, 2010
Friday Night at the Advance
Attending the Advance every year is always an experience in GOP activism. We see people from RPV, local units, our representatives in Richmond and some from Washington. It is great to see everyone come together to celebrate the Republican win in November. It was long hard fight and we won.
There were several hospitality suites went from the first floor with the Lt Governor to the ninth floor with AFP. There were people with varying views in each one. We listened to each other and know that at the end of day, we are the GOP.
Now stay turned...listening to Frank Wolf speak after Breakfast.
There were several hospitality suites went from the first floor with the Lt Governor to the ninth floor with AFP. There were people with varying views in each one. We listened to each other and know that at the end of day, we are the GOP.
Now stay turned...listening to Frank Wolf speak after Breakfast.
Nov 19, 2010
2010 Don Huffman Advance
Well the kick off festivities have begun. Republicans from all across Virginia are heading to Mclean to hear the latest and greatest on the political front. There will be awards, speeches, workshops, a wonderful dinner and even more networking.
Stay tuned to this blog for more information as the weekend progreses.
Stay tuned to this blog for more information as the weekend progreses.
Nov 16, 2010
The Cat Fights Begin
It's amazing that, within a few, short hours, even a few bids for a State Central seat have turned into a mud-fest. Are we really all that petty in the 5th District? This is exactly why we need a new face.
Dolores Switzer has been a team player throughout the districts. She hasn't chosen one side or another. She has worked well with all who will carry the banner of our Conservative causes forward. She has reached out across the 5th, 6th, and 9th Districts to ensure the elections of our best candidates. She worked diligently for Robert in the 5th, acting as his Bedford County contact and moving forward as a member of RPV's Election Day Organization, working with unit leaders throughout the district to have every precinct covered and prevent Perriello from another swindle. She has worked through multiple elections now to keep Bob Goodlatte, an extraordinary congressman, fighting for us in the 6th, and she traveled in the 9th district this fall to make certain that Morgan Griffith became the next congressman for the Southwestern part of our state, this all following her devotion to our causes in last year's sweep of Virginia.
I've seen the numerous, Facebook attacks going in multiple directions in the past hours. After living in the 5th and watching the political mud-slinging over the past year especially, it shouldn't come as a surprise that we can't even move forward enough to get past all of this garbage.
We can all go on our actions of the past, but what we really need are those who are devoting their present. While I mean no disrespect to any other candidate, we can't keep falling back on what we did in the past. We have to have those people out there who are working now to get our causes moved forward. Acidic attacks on members of our own party are not what we need in new leadership. We need leaders who will hold their heads high and remember how to lead by example, how to reach out to everyone, and how to move us forward. That person - that leader - is in Dolores Switzer.
Nov 15, 2010
A New Face for a New, 5th District, State Central Seat
With Robert Hurt's stupendous win, the 5th District gains an additional seat on RPV's State Central Committee. A number of individuals have come out to express their "candidacy" for the seat; and from what I've seen, this writer is throwing her support behind Dolores Switzer of Bedford County.
Dolores has become recognizable around the 5th district in the past, year and a half as a real worker. With her grassroots foundation, she built the 2009 Bedford County Republican headquarters into a resounding success, even helping the Bedford County unit to win its award at last year's Advance thanks to her work. She has since gone on to graduate from this year's class of the Jennifer Byler Institute, become a Bedford County leader for Robert Hurt's campaign, and a member of the 5th District EDO (Election Day Organziation), leading the 5th to a success in covering the majority of polls with workers to stop Perriello's quest for his second term. In addition, she is the treasurer for the Central Republican Women in the Lynchburg, Campbell, Bedford, and Amherst areas.
Dolores is exactly the type of fresh face that the 5th District needs to represent its Republican voters. She'll bring a needed, renewed sense of life to the district, as well as the state level.
Good luck to Dolores Switzer!
Dolores has become recognizable around the 5th district in the past, year and a half as a real worker. With her grassroots foundation, she built the 2009 Bedford County Republican headquarters into a resounding success, even helping the Bedford County unit to win its award at last year's Advance thanks to her work. She has since gone on to graduate from this year's class of the Jennifer Byler Institute, become a Bedford County leader for Robert Hurt's campaign, and a member of the 5th District EDO (Election Day Organziation), leading the 5th to a success in covering the majority of polls with workers to stop Perriello's quest for his second term. In addition, she is the treasurer for the Central Republican Women in the Lynchburg, Campbell, Bedford, and Amherst areas.
Dolores is exactly the type of fresh face that the 5th District needs to represent its Republican voters. She'll bring a needed, renewed sense of life to the district, as well as the state level.
Good luck to Dolores Switzer!
Nov 11, 2010
Finally One, Brave, Little Dem Steps Up
Finally one, brave, little Dem squints his eyes into the daylight. It seems that, regardless of the state Dems, this one, little Dem from Pittsylvania County is going to try his hand at taking Robert Hurt's state senate seat.
"Hank" Davis, who already even has his little page on Facebook, has decided that he's ready to move from the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors to the Virginia State Senate. It seems that he hadn't even been considered by the state leaders when they threw up their hands earlier this week and stated that they didn't have anyone out there. Then, this one, meek, little voice stood off to the side, held up his hand, and said, "I'm here."
Well "Hank" since you're the only one brave enough at this point from the Virginia Dems to stand up, all that we can say is, "good luck," and, "good humor." You're going to need both.
"Hank" Davis, who already even has his little page on Facebook, has decided that he's ready to move from the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors to the Virginia State Senate. It seems that he hadn't even been considered by the state leaders when they threw up their hands earlier this week and stated that they didn't have anyone out there. Then, this one, meek, little voice stood off to the side, held up his hand, and said, "I'm here."
Well "Hank" since you're the only one brave enough at this point from the Virginia Dems to stand up, all that we can say is, "good luck," and, "good humor." You're going to need both.
A Sincere Thank You For All of Our Veterans
Faith N Country, hence by our name, is proud of our country - our nation - and we would like to thank every veteran for all that they've done to keep us free, to control our own republic and our destinies, and to keep us safe from terrorism and tyrrany around the world. Thank you to all of the branches of our military.
Thank you for our history. Thank you for our present, and thank you for ensuring our futures to come.
Happy Veterans Day, and God bless you all.
Thank you for our history. Thank you for our present, and thank you for ensuring our futures to come.
Happy Veterans Day, and God bless you all.
Nov 9, 2010
No Dem for Robert Hurt's Seat
It seems as though the Dems have finally started thinking - just a bit.
State Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw has stated that there will be no Dem contender for Robert Hurt's newly to be vacant, state senate seat. That's somewhat of a coup for us - at this point. That doesn't mean that they won't still have someone who decides on their own to make the run for the seat during the special election; but for now, no Dem.
That brings us to who will be the Republican nominee for the seat. We know that Bill Stanley is going to run. No secret there, as he announced immediately upon Robert's win, with lapel stickers ready to adorn every lapel, sweater, shirt, and blouse that will hold one. The man will be hard to beat. He's a big pond lawyer who is already in a leadership position in the 5th district which holds Robert's seat.
Then, we have Fred Shanks who is a member of the Danville City Council and small businessman. It will be tough to go up against Bill Stanley and succeed for this gentleman, in my opinion.
But in all of the news coverage and talk, why is it that I'm seeing the attention really only going toward the male delegates who reside in the districts that overlap Robert's seat? I've seen coverage that neither Del. Danny Marshall, Del. Don Merricks, nor Del. Charles Poindexter intend to run, but why aren't they covering the question about Del. Kathy Byron?
Kathy Byron has proven herself to be a strong delegate for our area. She is well respected amongst her peers. She has championed some of our most conservative causes and bills, and she has the experience, not to say that the other delegates listed do not. But, I have to wonder why her name is not coming into play here. We'll hope that it isn't sexism, because she's more than shown up a number of the men when it comes to her legislation and her determination. If it's that Kathy isn't interested and wants to carry on in her House of Delegates seat, that's wonderful. We know that she's a success there; but even so, I have to wonder why it is that the media hasn't been reporting more on her.
State Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw has stated that there will be no Dem contender for Robert Hurt's newly to be vacant, state senate seat. That's somewhat of a coup for us - at this point. That doesn't mean that they won't still have someone who decides on their own to make the run for the seat during the special election; but for now, no Dem.
That brings us to who will be the Republican nominee for the seat. We know that Bill Stanley is going to run. No secret there, as he announced immediately upon Robert's win, with lapel stickers ready to adorn every lapel, sweater, shirt, and blouse that will hold one. The man will be hard to beat. He's a big pond lawyer who is already in a leadership position in the 5th district which holds Robert's seat.
Then, we have Fred Shanks who is a member of the Danville City Council and small businessman. It will be tough to go up against Bill Stanley and succeed for this gentleman, in my opinion.
But in all of the news coverage and talk, why is it that I'm seeing the attention really only going toward the male delegates who reside in the districts that overlap Robert's seat? I've seen coverage that neither Del. Danny Marshall, Del. Don Merricks, nor Del. Charles Poindexter intend to run, but why aren't they covering the question about Del. Kathy Byron?
Kathy Byron has proven herself to be a strong delegate for our area. She is well respected amongst her peers. She has championed some of our most conservative causes and bills, and she has the experience, not to say that the other delegates listed do not. But, I have to wonder why her name is not coming into play here. We'll hope that it isn't sexism, because she's more than shown up a number of the men when it comes to her legislation and her determination. If it's that Kathy isn't interested and wants to carry on in her House of Delegates seat, that's wonderful. We know that she's a success there; but even so, I have to wonder why it is that the media hasn't been reporting more on her.
Nov 7, 2010
What Does the POTUS Put First?
We all go to the polls and vote on election day and hope we are voting in the best candidate to do the job, one whose values will line up with ours and one that will listen to what the people of their district is saying to them on what we would like to see accomplished while they are in office.
We all know we are not seeing out of the POTUS what we want, what we feel will better the country and what our founding fathers had as a vision for the future of America.
His recent trip overseas spending $200 million + is a prime example of the things we have not seen other Presidents do when over sears trips. How many times have previous Presidents rented whole hotels, taken battleships, 6,000 people with them on a trip? There has already been an announcement that he is working on an agreement to increase possibly 50,000 jobs in the future for overseas trade.
No matter the announcement, it is one of those things I will believe when I see it. Some where in the middle of this trip, I am sure we will see it is a vacation for him and the Mrs. and all of their family and friends.
After finishing the book "Spoken from the Heart" by First Lady Laura Bush, I am more proud of the Bush family than most people would have ever said while either President Bush was in office. The following is an excerpt from pages 420 and 421:
"There is also a larger picture to consider. No one, not even a president, is going to make the right decision every time. Presidents may have more information on which to base their decisions, but they do not have the benefit of hindsight. They mus be prepared to take risks for what they believe is right. And they must try to anticipate the future, not just two years or four years out but what consequences will be decades ahead.
George believes, and I believe as well, that the presidency is larger than the men who are in it. The Founding Fathers, who in the spring of 1787 wrestled with this issue, designed it that way. Each president's responsibility is to the office, the sole national institution that speaks for all Americans, regardless of their party or class or home or age. George always believed that it was his responsibility to treat the office with great care.
Presidents are not always right, but history tells us that our core values are right and that our country is good. Those are the values that guided George, the touchstone by which is measured what he did. George knew that in the heat of the moment, presidents tend to get much of the blame and little of the credit. Not all of his presidents to make decisions solely on the basis of their personal popularity, or poll numbers, or daily headlines. The challenges we face are too great for that.
I am proud that, as president, George acted on principle, that he put our country first and himself last."
Is this the same values we see from our current president? No I do not believe it is! He is putting himself and his agenda first, not that of the American people.
We all know we are not seeing out of the POTUS what we want, what we feel will better the country and what our founding fathers had as a vision for the future of America.
His recent trip overseas spending $200 million + is a prime example of the things we have not seen other Presidents do when over sears trips. How many times have previous Presidents rented whole hotels, taken battleships, 6,000 people with them on a trip? There has already been an announcement that he is working on an agreement to increase possibly 50,000 jobs in the future for overseas trade.
No matter the announcement, it is one of those things I will believe when I see it. Some where in the middle of this trip, I am sure we will see it is a vacation for him and the Mrs. and all of their family and friends.
After finishing the book "Spoken from the Heart" by First Lady Laura Bush, I am more proud of the Bush family than most people would have ever said while either President Bush was in office. The following is an excerpt from pages 420 and 421:
"There is also a larger picture to consider. No one, not even a president, is going to make the right decision every time. Presidents may have more information on which to base their decisions, but they do not have the benefit of hindsight. They mus be prepared to take risks for what they believe is right. And they must try to anticipate the future, not just two years or four years out but what consequences will be decades ahead.
George believes, and I believe as well, that the presidency is larger than the men who are in it. The Founding Fathers, who in the spring of 1787 wrestled with this issue, designed it that way. Each president's responsibility is to the office, the sole national institution that speaks for all Americans, regardless of their party or class or home or age. George always believed that it was his responsibility to treat the office with great care.
Presidents are not always right, but history tells us that our core values are right and that our country is good. Those are the values that guided George, the touchstone by which is measured what he did. George knew that in the heat of the moment, presidents tend to get much of the blame and little of the credit. Not all of his presidents to make decisions solely on the basis of their personal popularity, or poll numbers, or daily headlines. The challenges we face are too great for that.
I am proud that, as president, George acted on principle, that he put our country first and himself last."
Is this the same values we see from our current president? No I do not believe it is! He is putting himself and his agenda first, not that of the American people.
Nov 3, 2010
Help!!!! There Has Been an Avalanche!
We had hoped, we had prayed, we had worked hard! At times we wondered if it could happen...but it did!
The people of America have spoken and have shown we are sick and tired of the way things have been going in our country and that we wanted a change, so change is coming!
There is going to be an avalanche of republicans heading to Washington in January. We have shown the Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda we will not sit by and let the country we love continue in the direction of the last year.
Thank you America for the votes that were cast yesterday to halt big government, the outrageous spending of the federal government and a repeal of the healthcare bill.
The people have spoken and now Washington will have to listen.
The people of America have spoken and have shown we are sick and tired of the way things have been going in our country and that we wanted a change, so change is coming!
There is going to be an avalanche of republicans heading to Washington in January. We have shown the Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda we will not sit by and let the country we love continue in the direction of the last year.
Thank you America for the votes that were cast yesterday to halt big government, the outrageous spending of the federal government and a repeal of the healthcare bill.
The people have spoken and now Washington will have to listen.
Nov 2, 2010
Last Minute Thoughts
We are almost at the point where we will know if all our efforts will pay off. We have worked hard knocking on doors, making phone calls and talking with friends and neighbors. We selected a great candidate from the primary.
Robert will take the values we hold dear to Washington. Please take a few momentsout of your day and vote. Robert is who we need, he will actually listen to the people of our district.
Robert will take the values we hold dear to Washington. Please take a few momentsout of your day and vote. Robert is who we need, he will actually listen to the people of our district.
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