Sep 28, 2010

We Need 40 Seats Nationwide - Virginia Can Pick Up These Seats

We need to take 40 seats back in the House to gain the majority.  In looking at the map there are three districts in Virginia targeted to be taken over by the Republican candidate.  

The first Congressional district is now occupied by Rob Whitman.  Rob is being challenged by Democrat Krystal Ball and Gail Parker from the Green Party.  Rob seems to be the likely winner in this district.

Virginia's second district is now occupied by Glenn Nye.  Nye is a first time incumbent that caved during the healthcare debates, he voted for the $787 billion stimulus bill and votes with Pelosi 84% of the time.  The challenger is Scott Rigell.  Scott supports the 2nd Amendment, wants to repeal healthcare legislation and the government bailouts.  

The third district is up for grabs with incumbent Democrat Bobby Scott fighting with Republican Chuck Smith and Libertarian James Quigley, along with Independent Green John Kelly.  This appears to be a race with too many candidates in the mix and will end up splitting the vote that should be going to Republican Chuck Smith.

Randy Forbes is the incumbent in the fourth district against Democrat Wynne LeGrow.  Randy was elected in 2001 to fill the seat of Democrat Norman Sisiskey that passed away after 10 terms in office.

Robert Hurt is the challenger in the fifth district against first term Tom Perriello.  Perriello has been a Pelosi puppet from the beginning of his term.  Mr. One Term voted for the stimulus bill, Obamacare, Cap & Trade, and with Pelosi over 90% of the time  Robert Hurt is pro-life, wants to see property rights protected, wants to see our military fully funded and opposes government bailouts and takeovers.  Also on the ballot in the fifth will be Independent Jeffrey Clark (a virtual unknown that will likely stay unknown).

Bob Goodlatte is running for re-election this year.  A gentleman that votes with the citizens of his district and listens when the people speak.  Jeff Vanke, an Independent is challenging Bob for the sixth district seat.

Minority Whip Eric Cantor is seeking re-election in the seventh district with no primary opposition.

The eighth district will see Democratic incumbent Jim Moran against Patrick Murray and Independent Green Party candidate Ron Fisher.  Patrick Murray is a retired Army Colonel. 
This moves us to the far side of the state, to the 9th district.  Rick Boucher, career politician is running against Morgan Griffith.  Boucher has been in the office for 14 terms, voting for the government bailouts of private businesses, Cap and Trade, is the spokesperson in Congress for big unions and with Nancy Pelosi 97% of the time.  Morgan is a Constitutional conservative, wants to work to see healthcare repealed, and is pro-life.

In the tenth district we see Frank Wolf  seeking another term against Democrat Jeff Barnett and Libertarian William Redpath.

The eleventh district couldn't be any better for closing this post...where we are going to see Republican Keith Fimian gearing up to unseat Gerry Connolly.

We want to see a landslide Republican Victory on November 2nd.  We know we must be rid of Nye, Connolly, Boucher and Perriello.  These gentlemen have stayed on the Obama, Pelosi and Reid payroll for way too long! 

Can Virginia take back these seats? 

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