Sep 9, 2010

Pat Mullins on privatization

This just came in from RPV. Keep it up, Governor!

RPV Chairman Pat Mullins gave the following statement:

"I want to congratulate Governor McDonnell and his staff on the ABC privatization proposal unveiled today. The Governor held fast to the conservative principles we believe in, and in so doing produced a plan to make Virginia government smaller, more efficient, and produce $500 million for the Commonwealth's transportation system.

Government works best when it sticks to core functions — things like public safety, education, and transportation. I think anyone would be hard pressed to put liquor sales in that same category. This plan will improve our roads and move profits back where they belong — in the private sector. And it won't cost taxpayers a dime.

While Democrats ran to the TV cameras and insisted that privatization would never work, that the Commonwealth would lose money, and that there would be a liquor store on every corner, Governor McDonnell and his team kept working. The plan they came up is the best of all worlds — more choice for consumers, reasonable limits on the number of outlets, and no lost revenue for the Commonwealth.

I look forward to seeing the Governor's proposal move through the General Assembly later this year."

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