Sep 22, 2010

Lobbyists? Really?

So, Tommy's newest ad invasion to hit the airwaves shows some shyster sitting on a park bench, which looks like nowhere in the 5th District, talking all about Robert Hurt being the darling of the lobbyists. Is this really the best that TP can come up with?

In reality, the numbers speak for themselves. In fact if you actually look at the current numbers, this is what they can tell you:

PAC contributions:
Robert Hurt $ 140,620
Tom Perriello 499,251

Individual contributions:
Robert Hurt $ 629,762
Tom Perriello 1,691,621

And then, "Other," whatever that might be:
Robert Hurt $ 500
Tom Perriello 109,734

Now, I'm no rocket scientist (or maybe I am), but the numbers don't seem to be working in the direction in which Tommy is trying to steer them. And what's more, I don't think that Tommy's vast war chest is indicative of overwhelming support from the masses for his own agenda; but rather in just the fashion in which he's trying to paint Robert Hurt, we need to really think about who's backing TP with all of that money. And, do we really want them to continue their influence on the votes that are placed in Congress? Hasn't there been enough of their influence? Remember the last handshake and pat on the back that we all witnessed a few months ago with the Health Care vote? Who do we think was lining that handshake?

So yea maybe, the numbers really do add up. Just not the way that Tommy is trying to tell us.

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