Sep 30, 2010

Survey USA Election Results

Below is a quote from Survey USA's latest results for VA-05.  
Robert Hurt 58%
Tom Perriello 35%
Jeffrey Clark 4%
Undecided 3%

"Perriello's Problems Persist: Little Good News For VA-05 Incumbent Democrat: In an election for for US House of Representatives in Virginia's 5th Congressional District today, 09/28/10, Republican State Senator Robert Hurt defeats incumbent Democrat Tom Perriello 58% to 35%, according to this latest exclusive WDBJ-TV poll conducted by SurveyUSA.

Compared to identical SurveyUSA polls released 4 weeks ago and 10 weeks ago, the contest is unchanged. In 3 SurveyUSA polls, Perriello has received 35%, Hurt has received 58% or 61%. Early voting began 11 days ago, on September 17; among the 7% of voters who have already cast ballots, the race may be tighter, with Hurt 14 points atop Perriello.

Perriello, who defeated 6-term Republican Virgil Goode by 727 votes in 2008, today is above 50% only among blacks, Democrats, liberals, those with unfavorable opinions of the Tea Party movement, pro-choice voters, and those who do not own guns -- none of which are majority groups among likely voters in Virginia's 5th district. Two polls released in September by Democratic pollsters show the Democrat Perriello trailing the Republican Hurt by a smaller margin than SurveyUSA shows here.
Filtering: 800 registered voters from Virginia's 5th Congressional District were
interviewed by Survey USA 09/24/10 through 09/27/10, using Registration
Based Sample (RBS) from Aristotle in Washington DC. Of the registered voters,
624 were determined by SurveyUSA to have already voted or to be likely to vote
in the 11/02/10 general election for US House of Representatives.

Sep 28, 2010

Stand Tall and Proud

When was the last time you stood tall and proud when you heard this:

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

We Need 40 Seats Nationwide - Virginia Can Pick Up These Seats

We need to take 40 seats back in the House to gain the majority.  In looking at the map there are three districts in Virginia targeted to be taken over by the Republican candidate.  

The first Congressional district is now occupied by Rob Whitman.  Rob is being challenged by Democrat Krystal Ball and Gail Parker from the Green Party.  Rob seems to be the likely winner in this district.

Virginia's second district is now occupied by Glenn Nye.  Nye is a first time incumbent that caved during the healthcare debates, he voted for the $787 billion stimulus bill and votes with Pelosi 84% of the time.  The challenger is Scott Rigell.  Scott supports the 2nd Amendment, wants to repeal healthcare legislation and the government bailouts.  

The third district is up for grabs with incumbent Democrat Bobby Scott fighting with Republican Chuck Smith and Libertarian James Quigley, along with Independent Green John Kelly.  This appears to be a race with too many candidates in the mix and will end up splitting the vote that should be going to Republican Chuck Smith.

Randy Forbes is the incumbent in the fourth district against Democrat Wynne LeGrow.  Randy was elected in 2001 to fill the seat of Democrat Norman Sisiskey that passed away after 10 terms in office.

Robert Hurt is the challenger in the fifth district against first term Tom Perriello.  Perriello has been a Pelosi puppet from the beginning of his term.  Mr. One Term voted for the stimulus bill, Obamacare, Cap & Trade, and with Pelosi over 90% of the time  Robert Hurt is pro-life, wants to see property rights protected, wants to see our military fully funded and opposes government bailouts and takeovers.  Also on the ballot in the fifth will be Independent Jeffrey Clark (a virtual unknown that will likely stay unknown).

Bob Goodlatte is running for re-election this year.  A gentleman that votes with the citizens of his district and listens when the people speak.  Jeff Vanke, an Independent is challenging Bob for the sixth district seat.

Minority Whip Eric Cantor is seeking re-election in the seventh district with no primary opposition.

The eighth district will see Democratic incumbent Jim Moran against Patrick Murray and Independent Green Party candidate Ron Fisher.  Patrick Murray is a retired Army Colonel. 
This moves us to the far side of the state, to the 9th district.  Rick Boucher, career politician is running against Morgan Griffith.  Boucher has been in the office for 14 terms, voting for the government bailouts of private businesses, Cap and Trade, is the spokesperson in Congress for big unions and with Nancy Pelosi 97% of the time.  Morgan is a Constitutional conservative, wants to work to see healthcare repealed, and is pro-life.

In the tenth district we see Frank Wolf  seeking another term against Democrat Jeff Barnett and Libertarian William Redpath.

The eleventh district couldn't be any better for closing this post...where we are going to see Republican Keith Fimian gearing up to unseat Gerry Connolly.

We want to see a landslide Republican Victory on November 2nd.  We know we must be rid of Nye, Connolly, Boucher and Perriello.  These gentlemen have stayed on the Obama, Pelosi and Reid payroll for way too long! 

Can Virginia take back these seats? 

Sep 27, 2010

Finally, a Positive Message for the 5th District!

Finally, we have a candidate who is proud to stand up and use real people in his campaign messages. Anyone with the right money can pay someone to say what they want, but Robert Hurt is sending his message that the real people of the 5th District are who really make a difference, while Tom Perriello continues with his whining and sniping.

Great commercial, Robert! And better yet, great message to the 5th District about who really counts!

Sep 26, 2010

Robert Hurt's Newest Ad

Robert Hurt's newest ad! We need to make sure as many people in the 5th district see Robert is the best person for the job. Yes he has showed up for the interview. Those of the 5th district interviewed him and hired him on June 8th to represent us. Now he has the opportunity for a promotion . . . to go from candidate for Congress to a Congressman.

The Fight To Fix Washington

Robert Hurt for Congress - Generations

Robert Hurt on Fox and Friends

Sep 24, 2010

Kaine Administration Missed How Much in the Bank?

How on Earth can Tim Kaine find out, through his successor, that he missed the fact that there was literally like a billion dollars - that's right $1,000,000,000 - unknown and sitting in the VDOT bank account, while he was shutting down the rest areas, and then respond that it was, "thanks to tight-fisted project management and sharp reduction in overhead during the toughest economic downturn in a generation" on his watch? Now mind you, he didn't use the word "watch." That's all mine and obviosuly not his - because if it had been his word, he would have known what it meant and how to use it. But even more obviously, he didn't bother using the word because he had no clue that almost a billion, extra dollars was sitting in the bank while the Virginia roadways were deteriorating and the best he could come up with was shutting down our potty-stops.

This might be petty and silly, but thanks, Bob McDonnell for the audit that found the un-"watch"ed money and for giving us back our potty-stops. You others can make light and snicker at my praise again of the rest areas; but when you're out there on 81 and don't know where you're welcome and safe to stop at an exit to take that break, you'll appreciate even more, just like I do.

And PS, really, thanks for the nearly $1,000,000,000 that will be going back into our roads.

Sep 23, 2010

Boucher Feeling the Heat

Wow! It seems that Rick Boucher is feeling the heat in the 9th District, as he should.

In the recent, TV commercial run by Americans for Job Security, Boucher is portayed as a Pelosi minion, which he claims he is not. Right. So as a result, and I'm thinking he's running scared and has been since the writing has been on the wall for the Dems over the past months, he has contacted all of the news outlets that have been carrying the commercial and asked them to take it off. I'm sorry; but if you walk like a Dem, talk like a Dem, and campaign as a Dem...quack, quack. Or really in this case, cluck, cluck.

Sadly though in this world that claims free speech, but really has nothing to do with it when it comes to the media, the first of those stations has pulled the ad. WSET in Lynchburg has decided to pull the ad. Gee, with that sort of reaction, I would have gotten the impression that WSET was an NBC affiliate.

Robert Hurt on Fox & Friends

Robert did a great job of putting the point out there about his hopes and vision for the 5th District's future.

Sep 22, 2010

Lobbyists? Really?

So, Tommy's newest ad invasion to hit the airwaves shows some shyster sitting on a park bench, which looks like nowhere in the 5th District, talking all about Robert Hurt being the darling of the lobbyists. Is this really the best that TP can come up with?

In reality, the numbers speak for themselves. In fact if you actually look at the current numbers, this is what they can tell you:

PAC contributions:
Robert Hurt $ 140,620
Tom Perriello 499,251

Individual contributions:
Robert Hurt $ 629,762
Tom Perriello 1,691,621

And then, "Other," whatever that might be:
Robert Hurt $ 500
Tom Perriello 109,734

Now, I'm no rocket scientist (or maybe I am), but the numbers don't seem to be working in the direction in which Tommy is trying to steer them. And what's more, I don't think that Tommy's vast war chest is indicative of overwhelming support from the masses for his own agenda; but rather in just the fashion in which he's trying to paint Robert Hurt, we need to really think about who's backing TP with all of that money. And, do we really want them to continue their influence on the votes that are placed in Congress? Hasn't there been enough of their influence? Remember the last handshake and pat on the back that we all witnessed a few months ago with the Health Care vote? Who do we think was lining that handshake?

So yea maybe, the numbers really do add up. Just not the way that Tommy is trying to tell us.

Sep 15, 2010

George Allen on the trail with Robert Hurt!

It is such a great day to live in the 5th District of Virginia.  We have a great candidate running for office and the wonderful son of Virginia, George Allen on the trail with him.  Please take a few minutes to read George's new blog.

If you haven't taken the time to visit with Robert Hurt while he is on the trail, please spend a moment getting to know him.  You will be comfortable talking with him.  Feel free to ask him any questions you may have about how he would vote on an issue, he will take time to answer your questions. 

Sep 14, 2010

Where does the buck stop?

In reading other blogs this week, I found this one that talks about the connections people have to Hollywood.  I have only copied the part of the blog that pertains to Mr. One Term. 

In reading this blog, I am sure we could continue to dig and find there are more relationships with Hollywood liberals, big business and lobbyist.  Congress needs to realize this year more than ever there are people looking under every rock to turn up dirt on them.  Keep your nose clean guys and you wont have to worry!

"Monday, September 13, 2010

Tom Perriello: Six Degrees of Hollywood

The NRCC is finally up to defend their boy Senator Robert Hurt from the apparent bully in the 5th District of Virginia, Tom Perriello. First time in his life that Tommy Boy's ever been accused of the bully. And now, having spent the last two years telling us that Perriello was a New York, we're told that he's a Hollywood liberal!

I've long said that the Republican Party needs to do more to investigate the ties of Tommy Boy and his friends. Who else went to Yale with Tom Perriello? What other potential subversive politicians come from the Albemarle area where Perriello makes his home? I did a little bit of research of my own and discovered some worrying ties . . .

As we all know, Tom Perriello has received significant support from other leading Democrats, including former Virginia Governor Tim Kaine.

Former Governor Tim Kaine is now Chairman of the DNC, the Democratic National Committee.

The DNC has received funds from notorious actor Kevin Bacon!

Wow, Tom Perriello is practically in the pocket of Kevin Bacon. Talk about bringing home the pork!

How far does the influence of Bacon-flavored politics go?"

Sep 12, 2010

Negative Ads

Usually we aren't seeing the negative ads start until the last weeks and days of a campaign.  This election is such a crutial one for the country that we have already started seeing them.

Mr. One Term has already started the attacks on State Senator Robert Hurt and him taking money from special interest.  We have seen Mr. One Term has shown us the ad where he is on the floor helping install cabling and with dirt on his face.  This has to have been my favorite Perriello ad to date.  The dirt on his face works well with the dirty politics he is spending his time with.  I wish I could say I am surprised, but I know this the Obama, Pelosi, Reid way.

In the ad, we see him talking about bringing new park trails, jobs in law enforcement and jobs for bridge and road construction.  If there is anyone in the 5th district that knows where these jobs are, please forward this information.  Please stay tuned this week as I review the voting record of Mr. One Term. 

Sep 11, 2010

Statement By Robert Hurt On The Ninth Anniversary Of The September 11th Terrorist Attacks

CHATHAM, VA - The Robert Hurt for U.S. Congress campaign today released the below statement by Robert Hurt on the ninth anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks:

"Today our nation comes together to remember the victims of the tragic terror attacks that took place on September 11th, 2001.

"We celebrate the lives and memories of those who are no longer with us, and comfort the families, friends, and fellow countrymen who were all affected by the devastating attacks.

"We remember the heroes of the day, from the courageous, selfless first responders to the citizens who willingly sacrificed to come to the aid of those in need.

"We honor our servicemen and women at home and abroad who are fighting to keep America safe, as we remain committed to providing them with the essential funding and support they require as they continue to bravely defend our country.

"September 11th forever changed the course of our nation. As we remember this day, we once again stand together steadfast in our commitment to preserving our country's national security. We must remain vigilant in defending our nation as we seek to protect the freedoms and ideals that our country holds so dear from those who seek to do us harm."

Sep 10, 2010

Weekend Is Upon Us!

Well it is just about the time of each week that we all look forward to, the WEEKEND!  What are your plans for the weekend?  How much time will be spent in front of the TV, on a couch (quickly becoming a couch potato) and not out doing something to get Robert Hurt elected the next Congressman from the 5th District of Virginia.

Listen up people!  You are the reason we need someone like Robert in office.  Robert will listen to what the people of the district are saying.  Several times over the last 6 months we have heard about One Term Tom having townhall meetings.  I'm sorry, but I don't understand why he is having them.  I don't see it will help him on November 2nd.  One of the reason's I would rather he just stayed home is one individual has asked him a question every time they can get the opportunity to get to a townhall meeting.  The question is the same.  Mr. One Term refuses to answer.  He will direct his questions to anyone else in the room.  There have even been people in the room ask why he will not answer the question and he continues to avoid the issue. 

The issue being why did he vote for the healthcare bill. 

This is just one of the issues I have with Mr. One Term.  I am hoping when he is traveling around the 5th in the coming weeks I am able to attend one of his townhall meetings and find out why he voted for this outrageous bill.  Not that I am expecting an answer.

Well have a good weekend everyone and I hope you will take just a few moments during your weekend to talk to a neighbor, someone standing in the grocery store line or at the mall about Robert and encourage them to vote for him.  He is the man for the job!

Sep 9, 2010

On Line Poll Shows a Close Call

I have watched this poll for the last several days and am amazed at the votes.  Several times I have looked and Robert Hurt is in the lead.  Please take a few minutes to cast your ballot.

Hurt is the candidate that will stand strong on the values he shares with the people of the 5th District. 

Tom Periello a Thing of the Past?

In looking at WDBJ-7's website yesterday, I ran across the following article.  Political Science Professor Harry Wilson from Roanoke College says going negative this early in the campaign is a sure sign One Term Tommy is on his way out of Washington.  If you haven't heard this news, it is worth taking a few minutes to read.  From the looks of things today, we will have a new congressman in November.,0,6576558.story

Robert Hurt To Visit Smith Mountain Lake

Robert Hurt is making his way across the 5th district meeting and greeting as many voters as possible.  On Sunday, September 12th, Robert will be visiting with the good folks at Smith Mountain Lake. 

They are opening a satellite office of the Republican Party of Bedford Headquarters at the intersection of White House Road and Smith Mountain Lake Parkway.  The Grand Opening will be at 3pm.  Please make plans to attend. 

Check back on Sunday night for an update on the opening and Robert's attendance.  There are some hard questions in store for him and I'm sure you will enjoy his answers.

Pat Mullins on privatization

This just came in from RPV. Keep it up, Governor!

RPV Chairman Pat Mullins gave the following statement:

"I want to congratulate Governor McDonnell and his staff on the ABC privatization proposal unveiled today. The Governor held fast to the conservative principles we believe in, and in so doing produced a plan to make Virginia government smaller, more efficient, and produce $500 million for the Commonwealth's transportation system.

Government works best when it sticks to core functions — things like public safety, education, and transportation. I think anyone would be hard pressed to put liquor sales in that same category. This plan will improve our roads and move profits back where they belong — in the private sector. And it won't cost taxpayers a dime.

While Democrats ran to the TV cameras and insisted that privatization would never work, that the Commonwealth would lose money, and that there would be a liquor store on every corner, Governor McDonnell and his team kept working. The plan they came up is the best of all worlds — more choice for consumers, reasonable limits on the number of outlets, and no lost revenue for the Commonwealth.

I look forward to seeing the Governor's proposal move through the General Assembly later this year."


Hello? Is this thing on?