Oct 17, 2011

Stanley Stands for Masses

Many of us have seen the news recently where the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors is under attack from the ACLU.  Our country was founded on the principle of prayer, a nation with religious freedom.  With those freedoms we are able to worship.  There are been times we all have been somewhere and there is someone worshiping in a way we may not believe, but that does not mean we want to bring a lawsuit to make them stop worshiping.

Bill Stanley has gone out on a limb by representing the Board.  This is a time when every vote counts.  Roscoe Reynolds has gone on the attach against Stanley with his mud slinging.  This is something that could have added fuel to that fire, but Stanley has stood firm.

There have been many in Pittsylvania County that took a stand when the practice of prayer came into question.  It is good to see a State Senator standing with the masses and stopping what is becoming more common in our country. 

Thank you Senator Stanley for standing strong and not backing down!  You have my vote!


It was just a few short weeks ago, we were listening to the woes of Jamie Radtke whining about not being invited to a debate the Associated Press was having with Tim Kaine and George Allen.  "The requirements for the AP debate are that a candidate had to be showing 15% in their respective primary and had to have raised 1/5 as much as the leading fund raiser in said primary."

Ms. Radtke complained about not being invited and that the AP should not be limiting the requirements.  Time and again we are hearing her complain and complain about George Allen.  She seems to lose sight of the goal and what she should be striving for in 2012. 

So to the rescue comes the Shenandoah Valley Tea Party with their own debate inviting all the  candidates seeking the nominations for the senate race, but yet once again Jamie Radtke can't be satisfied.  She has now backed out of it since George will not be there.

Jamie Radtke is not satisfied with anything the republican party does and now she is turning her back on the tea party, the very party which she was once a state leader. 

Does she really want to win the nomination for the senate primary in June of 2012 or is she just out to get George Allen?  Which by the way, she isn't even doing a good job of that!

Fickle is the best word I have found to describe Jamie Radtke...

Oct 11, 2011

Bill Stanley - You're not from around here!

The newest political ad from Roscoe Reynolds talks about Bill Stanley not being from around here.  About him not being in the phone book.

It is important for our representatives to be from the area they are representing, but how many of these people actually have their phone numbers published in the phone book. 

Stanley did move from his home to another piece of property he already owned before the new lines were drawn for the Virginia Senate.  Since the republicans in the Senate has little to nothing to do with the lines that were drawn, how can it be an effective argument that he moved to just stay in the Senate.  A Senate seat that clearly has the majority of those he was already representing. 

When the political ads in abundance this time of year, one can only hope people are using their judgement and will recognize fact from fiction.

Oct 10, 2011

Roanoke Tea Party Special Update

This is an excerpt from a recent e-mail from the Roanoke Tea Party.

" If you attended our Public Meeting on Thursday evening, you are aware that one of our members, Jerry Johnson, asked for the Roanoke Tea Parties endorsement of his House of Delegates Campaign, I discussed with the members present, holding a vote on this request at a special meeting.  As you can see from the letters below, my actions did not follow our bylaws.  I apologize for the confusion.  Since I have recused myself from the Board Vote due to my relationship with Mr. Johnson, please direct questions on this matter to our Sgt. of Arms, Greg Aldridge."

"As the parliamentarian and Sargent of Arms I am obligated to enforce the rules under our adopted bylaws.  As I stated Thursday night, we do not use Roberts Rules or the like for conducting official business.  We also do not have a provision in our bylaws for accepting items from members at meetings to be voted on by members for passage.  Mr. Tarbutton is aware of that, but he is an extremely conciliatory person with a good heart and wanted to try to accommodate you Thursday night.  Unfortunately, I cannot allow him to break the rules even if everyone considers it to be for a good reason."

"Here is a run down on the procedures that must be followed to facilitate your request for an endorsement."

"Under our bylaws all official business is voted on by the board expect the annual election of board members."

"A rule was adopted under the bylaws that requires the board get approval from the members for any endorsement it has voted to make."

"To follow procedures the board must first vote on an endorsement.  If the board approved an endorsement, the members are entitled to ratify that vote or strike it.  If the board votes no or votes not to bring up a vote on an endorsement, there is no vote held by members on that issue."

"At the request of Mr. Tatbutton, the board held a vote on your endorsement and it was not approved."

"Mr Tarbutton recused himself from the situation and the vote because of his relationship with you.  If you would like further information on this matter, please contact me.  I would be happy to answer any questions."

The later part of this letter was signed by Greg Aldridge.

Sep 27, 2011

Jerry Johnson

Republicans should support GOP candidates for office.

This is a statement we all adhere to, but for this falls election it is challenging to think republicans in the 19th House district will have to choose between a yahoo and the Honorable Lacey Putney. Delegate Putney is all we could want in a candidate to represent us in Richmond. His voting record has aligned with conservative votes more often than many of those with an "R" behind their name.

As a resident in the 5th district, many have been waiting and watching for events where they would be able to meet Mr. Johnson. Outside of a unit meeting or two, the man received the nomination from the party, but clearly has not been visible. He seems to be another one of those looking to be "appointed r announced!"

When voting in November, remember who has stood fr the people of the 19th district for years!

VOTE Lacey Putney November 8th!

Jul 20, 2011

Great Orators of the Democrat Party Past

This was passed along this week, so I felt I had to share it with you. 

"One man with courage makes a majority."  Andrew Jackson

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."  Franklin D Roosevelt

"The buck stops here."  Harry S Truman

"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."  John F Kennedy

and great orators of the Democratic party TODAY

"It depends on what your definition of 'sex; is?"  Bill Clinton

"That Obama...I would like to cut his nut off."  Jesse Jackson

"Those rumors are false...I believe in the sanctity of marriage."  John Edwards

"I invented the internet."  Al Gore

"The next person that tells me I'm not religious, I'm going to shove my rosary beads up there ass."  Joe Biden

"America is no longer, uh, what it, uh, could be, uh, what it was once was - uh, and I say to myself uh, I don't want that future, uh for my children."  Barack Obama

"I have campaigned in all 57 states."  Barack Obama

"You don't need God anymore, you have us Democrats." Nancy Pelosi

"Paying taxes is voluntary."  Senator Harry Reid

"Bill is the greatest husband and father I know.  No one is more faithful, true and honest than he."  Hillary Clinton

And the most recent gem of wisdom from the Mother Moron..."We just have to pass the healthcare bill to see what's in it."  Nancy Pelosi


From John "the Duke" Wayne..."Life's tough....it's even tougher when your stupid."

May 26, 2011

State Senate Race

Today's Roanoke Times has an article written by Dan Casey about Ralph Smith.  Smith who was ousted by the new Senate redistricting has found a possible home for the upcoming 2012 session of the General Assembly. 

Everyone has wondered what Senators Newman, Stanley and Smith would do after redistricting was in place.  After last Thursday, we need not worry any longer.  Senator Newman will continue to represent those in the 23rd district.  But things were not that easy for Senator's Stanley and Smith. 

Senator Stanley announced he will be running in the 20th district against Roscoe Reynolds.  Stanley will be moving from one side of Franklin County about 10 miles away to a home he already owns.  Much of Stanley's district falls under the new boundaries of the 20th district and those in much of the area already know him.

The boundaries of the 19th district stretch almost as large as a congressional district, going from the border of Campbell County to the far reaches of Wythville.  The 19th now represents three Bedford County precincts, Roanoke County, Montgomery and farther into the southwest.  Many not knowing this brings together a family history for Senator Smith, with the Bedford area he now hopes to represent covering the area his mother is from to the Smith Hollow Road his father is from.  With dead center being the area his parents met and chose to call home and raise their family.  This area couldn't be any better for the conservative Smith to seek to represent.  It is unusual for Dan Casey to write a positive article about GOP candidates.  He hit the mark when he described Senator Smith as a true conservative and someone that is in touch with his constituents. 

We need to take three seats in the Senate and keep all the seats we have.  Senator Stanley is stepping out and attempting to unseat one of the long term Dems and we applaud him for his leap into this district. 

Gentlemen, we are behind you and will rally the troops to help you with your elections!

May 9, 2011

FEMA Not there for SW Virginia

Does it surprise anyone that FEMA waited until after the Governor had signed the budget before they announced they would not be offering support to the victims of SW Virginia that suffered losses from the recent tornadoes that came through the state?  It was several weeks after the disaster before these people were told no.  Why has the federal government waited so long before giving these people an answer. 

There were 29 tornadoes in Virginia in April killing at least 10 and with 200 homes destroyed and over a thousand of homes and businesses damaged.  Was the state given reasons as to why the request was denied?  Many articles have been written regarding the request being denied, but none that describe what the criteria is for assistance. 

Is the federal government upset because Virginia does not want to participate in the Healthcare mandate or because we are not going to sit by and watch quietly while our country gets further in debt. 

Back from Vacation

After vacationing for a while from writing, today gave inspiration to get back in the grove. 

In listening to WSBRadio.com, there was a discussion regarding Obama is "Sort of God."  This is a statement made by Evan Thomas (not to be confused with Thomas Evans from the 5th District).  He has been quoted as saying Obama had to step down to take the job as President. 

When we have a President that people as looking at as a god, we have serious problems in this country.  My Bible tells me we are not to put anyone or anything above God.  When people start talking like this, it appears they are putting Obama above the one true God, Jesus Christ.  June 9, 2009 Thomas was on Hardball with Chris Matthews and discussing a speech Obama gave in Cairo the night before.

Thomas talked about Obama explaining, "He's going to bring all different sides together....Obama is trying to sort of tamper everything down.  He doesn't use the word terror.  He uses extremism.  He's all about let us reason together.  He's the teacher....saying now children, stop fighting and quarreling with each other.  A moral authority...."

In listening to the discussions this morning with callers from Atlanta, there was surprise and shock from those that had not heard this dialogue previously.  With two years down in this Presidency, this should not be shocking to people.  Those on the right should expect this kind of thinking. 

Are republicans getting out there and talking with people to make sure they know what is being said and done by the liberal media?  Are those involved in the GOP sitting back resting thinking we have a year to go before we need to get serious about the Presidential race?  If you aren't doing something today, will tomorrow be to late?  Will the 2012 race to go Obama again? 

The challenge today is, get involved in some way.  If it is only for an hour a month.  Write letters to the editors, volunteer to make phone calls for a campaign, talk to someone in the local grocery store or while you are in line pumping gas.  Make sure people around you know you do not support the current President and his administration.  It is crucial today to talk to those around you and make sure they know he is not a god.

Jan 24, 2011

Announcement by George Allen

Many of us have been waiting for the day when we would have George Allen on a ticket running for public office in Virginia. That day has finally arrived. George made the announcement today. You can watch the video above and listen to his thoughts on where the country needs to turn.

In listening to many talk about this announcement, I find people are divided on his return to politics. I feel George has never left politics. But the concern from many is the statement made during his last campaign. As we have been during the 2009 election of our governor, if a candidate stands firm on their remarks and keeps in control of the discussion, I firmly believe George Allen will be the next Senator from Virginia.

Stand your ground Governor Allen there are many behind you!

Jan 22, 2011

Virginia Politics

So much has happened over the last couple of weeks in Virginia.  We started the new year with the VA HOD08 and Senate 19 districts holding special elections to replace Morgan Griffith and Robert Hurt who were elected in November to Congress.  Over 6 buses traveled to Washington DC to see these gentlemen sworn in.  It is amazing to see the changes in the House in the last two years. 

Special elections held during winter months are always iffy and this year was no exception.  The weather forecast was calling for freezing rain and ice on election day.  The worst area was in Danville where Mr. Stanley won with 53.51% of the vote.  He was victorious with 61.42% of the vote. With the Salem area watching the weather as well, we saw Greg Habeen packing to head to Richmond with 63.52% of the vote.  These gentlemen worked hard and had a great team of grassroots volunteers working hard.  They were phone banking, making calls, yard signs and sign waves out on cold, rain and snow to get out the vote.

We have heard the announcement of Jamie Radtke announce she is running for the Senate.  Mrs. Radtke is the former President of the Federation of Virginia TEA Party Patriots. 

Rumors flew this week regarding former Governor and Senator George Allen announcing him running for Senate.  Many have been expecting this announcement for some time since Allen has been traveling the state for the last year being visible. 

In November at the Republican annual meeting "Donal Huffman Advance" the State Central Committee met with the primary intent of deciding a convention or primary for the 2012 nomination process.  Most tea party patriots believe a convention is the best way to decide the candidate, the Committee voted for a primary. 

Redistricting in the state will prove to be a challenge.  With the democrats controlling the state senate and republicans have the majority in the house, we will possibly have divisions we haven't seen in many years in the General Assembly.  This year will bring the legislatures back to Richmond several times through out the year while they are running for re-election. 

We have all said it before that this is the most important election in the state, well this holds true for the next two years! 

Jan 5, 2011

History in the Making

Living in a country with freedom we know and have our Constitution with it set up so that for ages to come we would be able to stand firm on its foundation. Each time I visit our nation's capitol I am amazed at the history in the making. Today, I am witnessing it again with our Congress being sworn in. It was great listening to Griffith, Hurt and Rigell casting their first votes as Congressmen.