May 9, 2011

FEMA Not there for SW Virginia

Does it surprise anyone that FEMA waited until after the Governor had signed the budget before they announced they would not be offering support to the victims of SW Virginia that suffered losses from the recent tornadoes that came through the state?  It was several weeks after the disaster before these people were told no.  Why has the federal government waited so long before giving these people an answer. 

There were 29 tornadoes in Virginia in April killing at least 10 and with 200 homes destroyed and over a thousand of homes and businesses damaged.  Was the state given reasons as to why the request was denied?  Many articles have been written regarding the request being denied, but none that describe what the criteria is for assistance. 

Is the federal government upset because Virginia does not want to participate in the Healthcare mandate or because we are not going to sit by and watch quietly while our country gets further in debt. 

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