May 9, 2011

Back from Vacation

After vacationing for a while from writing, today gave inspiration to get back in the grove. 

In listening to, there was a discussion regarding Obama is "Sort of God."  This is a statement made by Evan Thomas (not to be confused with Thomas Evans from the 5th District).  He has been quoted as saying Obama had to step down to take the job as President. 

When we have a President that people as looking at as a god, we have serious problems in this country.  My Bible tells me we are not to put anyone or anything above God.  When people start talking like this, it appears they are putting Obama above the one true God, Jesus Christ.  June 9, 2009 Thomas was on Hardball with Chris Matthews and discussing a speech Obama gave in Cairo the night before.

Thomas talked about Obama explaining, "He's going to bring all different sides together....Obama is trying to sort of tamper everything down.  He doesn't use the word terror.  He uses extremism.  He's all about let us reason together.  He's the teacher....saying now children, stop fighting and quarreling with each other.  A moral authority...."

In listening to the discussions this morning with callers from Atlanta, there was surprise and shock from those that had not heard this dialogue previously.  With two years down in this Presidency, this should not be shocking to people.  Those on the right should expect this kind of thinking. 

Are republicans getting out there and talking with people to make sure they know what is being said and done by the liberal media?  Are those involved in the GOP sitting back resting thinking we have a year to go before we need to get serious about the Presidential race?  If you aren't doing something today, will tomorrow be to late?  Will the 2012 race to go Obama again? 

The challenge today is, get involved in some way.  If it is only for an hour a month.  Write letters to the editors, volunteer to make phone calls for a campaign, talk to someone in the local grocery store or while you are in line pumping gas.  Make sure people around you know you do not support the current President and his administration.  It is crucial today to talk to those around you and make sure they know he is not a god.

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