Oct 10, 2011

Roanoke Tea Party Special Update

This is an excerpt from a recent e-mail from the Roanoke Tea Party.

" If you attended our Public Meeting on Thursday evening, you are aware that one of our members, Jerry Johnson, asked for the Roanoke Tea Parties endorsement of his House of Delegates Campaign, I discussed with the members present, holding a vote on this request at a special meeting.  As you can see from the letters below, my actions did not follow our bylaws.  I apologize for the confusion.  Since I have recused myself from the Board Vote due to my relationship with Mr. Johnson, please direct questions on this matter to our Sgt. of Arms, Greg Aldridge."

"As the parliamentarian and Sargent of Arms I am obligated to enforce the rules under our adopted bylaws.  As I stated Thursday night, we do not use Roberts Rules or the like for conducting official business.  We also do not have a provision in our bylaws for accepting items from members at meetings to be voted on by members for passage.  Mr. Tarbutton is aware of that, but he is an extremely conciliatory person with a good heart and wanted to try to accommodate you Thursday night.  Unfortunately, I cannot allow him to break the rules even if everyone considers it to be for a good reason."

"Here is a run down on the procedures that must be followed to facilitate your request for an endorsement."

"Under our bylaws all official business is voted on by the board expect the annual election of board members."

"A rule was adopted under the bylaws that requires the board get approval from the members for any endorsement it has voted to make."

"To follow procedures the board must first vote on an endorsement.  If the board approved an endorsement, the members are entitled to ratify that vote or strike it.  If the board votes no or votes not to bring up a vote on an endorsement, there is no vote held by members on that issue."

"At the request of Mr. Tatbutton, the board held a vote on your endorsement and it was not approved."

"Mr Tarbutton recused himself from the situation and the vote because of his relationship with you.  If you would like further information on this matter, please contact me.  I would be happy to answer any questions."

The later part of this letter was signed by Greg Aldridge.

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