May 16, 2012

Not Just Enough to Vote Any More

We have all been told numerous times over our life span that this is the most important election we have ever seen.  So lets not go there just yet...

Elections this year go from the Presidential election, U.S. Senate and House of Representatives races and never has there been more back biting negativity than we are seeing this go round. 

President Obama has had his negative ads running on television and radio for two months in Virginia.  We are a battle ground state in this election and it is proving to be true.  There have been people hired by his staff to work in Virginia long before we had our primary in March and more staffers have been added since then.  This is a battle that can only be won by getting our boots on the ground. 

Tim Kaine is an Obama puppet.  We already know that he will do the bidding of the current administration and not ask questions.  Tim Kaine did not leave the citizens of Virginia happy with the debt that was left after his time in our Governor's Mansion.  Kaine even wanted to let a convicted murderer return to his home country to essentially be let go and back into society and not serve out his sentence.  If we do not want to see Kaine back in an office representing Virginia, just showing up in November is not enough.

In the House of Representatives we need seasoned leadership back in office.  We had a great team of Congressmen representing us for the last two years, do we want to see them return?  We may not always agree with the votes they cast, but we have to remember there is information we do not have access to that might would cause us to think differently if we had every thing they had to draw their conclusion from.

When thinking about the elections we have facing us this year, we have to ask our self, are we just showing up at the poll to vote or are we actually talking with our family, neighbors and friends.  Are we getting signs in yards, making phone calls, offering elderly people a ride on election day or are we just sitting back and waiting for the person beside us to do all the work and we as Republicans taking all the credit for the end result?

If you are wondering what you can do, please respond and we will get you in touch with someone to help get your started. 

Do you want four more years of what you have had the last four?

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