May 16, 2012


Albert Einstein once said, "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."  We face difficulty daily in our own little walk in this world, but do we realize the opportunity we have?

Between the economy and social issues in politics the difficulty lies within ourself and whether we are going to take advantage of that opportunity.  Are we going stand up for what we know is right? Are we going to work to have a better future for our children or will we go with the status quo? 

With a President agreeing with same sex marriage, abortion and more social programs than imaginable we need to STOP the government.  We need to stand behind the Republican candidate that will be nominated in August and help him win the general election in November.  We should be tired of seeing our future for our children and grandchildren thrown away. 

When was the last time you actually asked someone in your family how they vote?  People are constantly telling this writer they don't have time to do political things.  Well start in your own back yard.  Talk to your family, friends and neighbors...with the future of our country at stake, you can't afford not to.

Things are difficult now in our country, but remember it was built on opportunity!

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